How to decrypt heart cardiogram

How to decrypt heart cardiogram

Heart cardiogram displays the activity of the biopotential of the heart muscle. With its help, you can define anomalies in the work of the body and on time to assign appropriate treatment. Decipher the heart cardiogram can be independently familiarized with its designations and their values.

With the help of a cardiogram, you can determine the rhythmic and frequency of heart abbreviations, the operation of the conductive system, is subject to any part of the oxygen starvation organ, to identify aneurysm and suffered infarction.

The teeth on the electrocardiogram have the following values:

  • P is an indicator of the passage of an electrical signal at the atria. Normally, a value up to 2.5 mm high.
  • Q - indicates the state of the upper lobe of the heart. Often, the devices do not register it, or it is negative - this is the norm. If the indicator is expressed strongly, this indicates the presence of cardiological problems.
  • R - reflects the activity of the outer part of the ventricles and the bottom of the heart. The norm of the interval 0.03 s. If the value does not match the specified, probably the presence of myocardial hypertrophy.
  • S - reflects the completion of the excitation processes in the ventricles of the heart. Normal value - up to 20 mm.
  • PR gap shows how fast the excitement from the atrium to the ventricles is distributed. Natural indicator - 0.12-0.2 s.
  • T - helps to diagnose ischemic diseases. Norm from 0.16 to 0.24 s., Positive. Indicates the restoration of the biopotential of the heart muscle.
  • TP is an intermediate interval between abbreviations. Normal duration - 0.4 s.
  • ST - indicates the activity of both ventricles. Permissible deviations: 0.5-1 mm down or up.
  • QRS - reflects the work of the ventricles.

The R-R interval shows the rhythm of the reduction of the heart muscle. The duration of the intervals should be the same, the maximum difference of 10%. With other indicators there is a heart rate disorders.

Terminology of concluding electrocardiogram:

  • Heart rate (heart rate) is normal - 60-90 beats per minute. Deviations from the norm, in the absence of other signs, do not talk about the presence of pathology and may be a consequence of natural causes, such as unrest.
  • The EOS (electrical axis of the heart) determines the location of the organ in the chest. It happens normally, vertically, horizontally, with deflection to the right or left. With the deviations of the left or horizontal location of the heart, you can assume a hypertensive disease. Right heart can be deviated in chronic lung diseases. The vertical arrangement of the heart is found in asthenic people, and in full - horizontal.
  • Rhythm Sinusovy regular talks about the normal work of the heart. Rhythm Nestinousov speaks about heart pathology.
  • Sine arrhythmia, not connected with breathing, is a sign of disease.

These are the main indicators, a list of possible deviations in the work of the heart muscle are quite large.

For an ECG in a child aged 1 to 12 months, the oscillation of the CSS is considered the norm, standard - 137 shots per minute. The location of the EOS is vertical. For children by age from 1 year to 6 years, the CSS indicator is 96-127 shots per minute. Characterized normal, vertical and horizontal position. Children from 7 to 15 years old have CSS 66-89 strokes per minute and normal or vertical position of EOS.

Remember that only the doctor can correctly interpret the obtained data of your cardiogram. The conclusion is made on the basis of a comprehensive examination, complaints, medical history. The diagnosis requires vocational education.

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