How to decrypt spermogram

How to decrypt spermogram

Spermogram is an analysis of sperm (ejaculate), which allows you to estimate the quality and properties of the genital cells of a man, that is, its ability to fertilization. In the process of laboratory studies, the physical properties of cells are determined, their chemical composition, and the amount of spermatozoa is calculated. Knowing the norms of indicators, you can analyze spermogram data yourself.

The volume of ejaculate must be from 2 to 5 ml. If the amount of sperm below the minimum border, this suggests that there are few nutrients needed to ensure the normal activity of spermatozoa. The sperm color should be grayish white. If the ejaculate is transparent - this is a sign of reduced content (or even there is no lack) in it spermatozoa, and the red shade may indicate the presence of blood impurities.

The pH indicator should be within 7.2-7.6. The reduced pH indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body (in this case, acidity increases). But the increase in this indicator can signal about problems with prostate or seeds. There are such cases when the pH violation occurs on another scheme, but it meets much less frequently. The sperm dilution time should be 20-30 minutes. At first, the ejaculate is quite viscous, but after a certain time, it is diluted to the consistency of the water. The dilution time depends on the volume of energy stocks of sperm. In the event that it is less than 20 minutes, even moving spermatozoa may not have time to achieve an egg.

The amount of spermatozoa in 1 ml of ejaculate is normal of 20-120 million / ml. The low value of this indicator reduces the chances of conception. However, it is not always a low content of spermatozoa evidence of the disease: an insignificant concentration can cause an excessively active sexual life. However, a very large amount of spermatozoa also reduces the likelihood of fertilization: spermatozoids can be closely, which makes it difficult to move to the egg.

The total number of spermatozoa in all sperm should be 40-600 million. This indicator is used for clarity, it does not carry an informative load. It can be easily calculated, knowing the total amount of sperm and the amount of spermatozoa in 1 ml. As for the mobility of spermatozoa, there are three groups: active (which should be 60-70%), weakly lifting (10-15%), fixed (20-25%). It is important that spermatozoids from the group-containing group exceed the remaining groups.

The total percentage of pathological forms should be 20-30% (but not more than 50%). The leukocyte indicator in the field of view should not exceed 10. They may fall into sperm from prostate or testicles. If their content is higher than the norm is a sign of the presence of an inflammatory process in the urogenital system. As for such an indicator, like spergglutination, it should be absent. Bonding (agglutination) spermatozoa is detected during allergic or inflammatory processes. In addition, such indicators can be analyzed as:

  • pre-abstinence period;
  • viscosity (consistency) after the dilution;
  • the percentage of living spermatozoa and immature sex cells;
  • agglutination, aggregation of spermatozoa;
  • the number of erythrocytes.

If there is an extract with all values \u200b\u200bof the indicators, you can decrypt the sperm online on the site True, this service is paid, its cost is 50 rubles. You can only fill out the form, enter the general characteristics of the spermogram and click on the "decrypt" button.

Of course, having a spermogram on my hands, you can draw conclusions relative to each specific indicator - it is normal or not. However, it is not necessary to conclude about the presence of a particular disease. When analyzing indicators, it is important to cross-check, take into account the relationship of individual indicators. Thus, only a specialist can conclude about the ability of a man to fertilize.

Comments leave a comment
Dima 14/06/2018 at 13:19

In general, before this procedure, I did not know anything while my wife did not start planning a child. It turned out, the chances of pregnant are very low, just because of my bad spermogram. It is good that now, if you wish, you can practically cure everything) took the spermplant to the appointment of a doctor, I began to eat more or less well and play sports and soon my wife became pregnant, even before the control analysis))

Anton 10/02/2021 at 19:01

Male infertility is now no less than women! Therefore, first of all, men will be sent to spermogram!

Elena 13/02/2021 at 22:17

Yes, it is necessary to eat correctly, the sport also helps to improve the sperm. But the husband is another complex Andrologist recommended that Aktiprt Andro. He took it a few weeks, forgotten the bad habits and pregnancy came soon.


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