Pregnancy Protection Methods

Pregnancy Protection Methods

To the question of the child's appearance in the family it is worth approaching responsibly. For this, it is important to accumulate the material base, as well as be psychologically ready for a change in social role. Moreover, now there are many pregnancy protection methods. The main thing is to choose exactly you.

Popular worldwide protection with a condom is effective, but does not give 100% warranty. However, this method is simple in mastering, has no adverse reactions. In some countries, adolescents are trained to dress condom dressing. This allows you to protect the unwanted pregnancy of young people. Condom - barrier tool, clothes his men, but there is a female option. They are less popular, because It is harder to adapt to them. Unfortunately, any condom does not protect against sex infections.

High guarantee gives the installation of intrauterine spirals. Medicine offers 2 types of product: hormonal and copper-containing. They identify substances that depress the mobility of sperm and change the structure of the tissues of the uterus wall. Gynecologist sets a spiral for the 3 day of menstruation, because During this period, the cervix is \u200b\u200bas disclosed as much as possible. After a few years, it is necessarily replaced. The disadvantage of the use of intrauterine spiral is considered the risk of developing inflammation, as well as intermented bleeding and painful menstruation.

Reliable method for pregnancy protection is considered hormonal contraceptives. Tablets are divided into 2 types: progestin and combined. The first contains the analogues of the hormone of progesterone, and, secondly, progesterone with estrogens are combined. Their action is based on the suppression of the ovulation process, because only in this short period the woman is capable of conception. Preparations are easy to purchase in a pharmacy, but first it is important to turn to the doctor for their individual selection. Apply hormonal drugs is systematically, otherwise the action weakens them. This method has many drawbacks: intermented bleeding, depressive states, an increase in body weight. In the theory, the woman easily pregnant after the abolition of drugs, but in practice, the desired pregnancy is often delayed.

The effect of vaginal contraceptive candles occurs only in 40 minutes. It is not worthwhinking in the shower of the intimate zone with soap, as it neutralizes the chemical composition of the drug. In addition to preventive protection, candles are protected from viral infections.

It does not have side effects on the female body measurement method of basal temperature. But he is quite painstaking. This includes a special calendar. It is introduced in the morning temperature, the consistency of mucus from the genitals. During ovulation, the temperature drops, and the woman does not enter during this period in sexual relations with a partner.

Pregnancy protection methods are enough, many have side effects, including sometimes conceived. Therefore, it is important to remember that the conduct of intimate life always carries a certain risk.

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