How to avoid pregnancy

How to avoid pregnancy

Intimate relations are an integral part of the interaction between a man and a woman. Only people do it because of pleasure, and not to continue the kind, like all other living beings. Nature has conceived so that the natural result of sex is pregnancy. Let only on certain positive days, but still. Contraceptives and other relatively effective methods help to avoid pregnancy.

Condom - the simplest and affordable contraceptive. It is good in that it also protects against different infectious diseases (HIV). This is especially true if there is no permanent partner. Today there are many varieties of rubber products: thin, ribbed, colored, with fruit flavors and even musical. Contraindication one is an allergic reaction to latex.

Hormonal pills are shown in active sexual life. Only a gynecologist is entitled to assign them after examining and surrender analyzes. There are three types of drugs: single-phase, two-phase and three-phase. They differ in the number and composition of hormones. Exclusively for the purpose of contraception, monophazic pills are most often prescribed. However, note that hormonal pills can reduce sexual attraction, increase the risk of thrombosis, provoke a weight gain. If negative side effects are not stopped, you need to cancel the drug. Durable reception of hormonal pills is not recommended for more than 3-5 years. It is necessary to take breaks.

Intrauterine spirals choose already giving birth to women or in a late reproduction age. A special device in the form of horseshoe, loops or letters T, which releases a certain dose of hormone daily, is introduced into the uterus. It can be installed for a period of 2 to 10 years, depending on the manufacturer.

Spermicides are local hormonal contraceptives in the form of ointments, gels, balls, candles, which are placed in the vagina before proximity. As a way to protect against unwanted pregnancy, it is best suited if the sex happens epizodically, there are contraindications to the use of other means, after abortion and childbirth.

A good contraceptive is also a vaginal ring and a special plaster. One ring is designed for 21 days, that is, 1 cycle. The plaster change every 7 days. For the fourth week it is not used.

The subcutaneous administration of injections of hormonal drugs makes every 2-3 months. Disadvantage - possible failures in the menstrual cycle.

Emergency contraception. These funds are applied if not protected, in the next 72 hours. It is impossible to use them more often than once a month.

Natural method. Its essence is that it is possible to conceive a child only in a certain period of the menstrual cycle. Woman should calculate fertile days and refrain from unprotected sex. To this end, it is necessary to record basal temperature daily. This method is not too reliable and does not suit girls with an irregular menstrual cycle.

The use of modern contraception means allows not only to schedule a healthy desired child, but also to preserve the reproductive health of the woman.

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