Oilsman (or Oregano) is indispensable when planning pregnancy, because it is known for its magic properties when restoring the reproductive function in women. For such an impact on the female body, the grass received another name - motherboard. However, pregnancy and reception of oregano are incompatible.
Why oregano is contraindicated
Pregnancy - a special period in the life of a woman, when it is necessary to completely exclude any stimulating effect on the uterus. The soul can trigger the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and cause bleeding. It has ability properties.
Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the reception of the souls inside in any form:
- do not drink decoctions, infusions, syrups with the content of grass;
- do not add as ingredient to salads, soups and other foods;
- do not use as seasonings (check the seasonings of seasonings for the presence of souls in their composition);
- do not take pharmaceutical preparations with the content of this grass.
Never take the soul inside for intentional interrupting pregnancy - it can provoke strong bleeding up to death, if timely help is not provided.
How to use souls during pregnancy
The use of the oregano existed does not have a negative impact on pregnancy and can help future mothers stay beautiful and healthy in this exciting period. Changes in hormonal background during pregnancy provokes excessive activity of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the skin may appear on the skin - small pimples, wen, redness, furuncula. Return the skin purity and freshness will help folk methods using oregano.
This perennial has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, painful, cooler action. Thanks to its qualities, the soul is based on the treatment of various diseases:
- Broth for washing - take 2 tablespoons of crushed oregano, brew in 2 glasses of steep boiling water, cover with a lid and insist for at least 20 minutes. Then strain and use 2-3 times a day for washing. The decoction can be used as a lotion to purify the face or freeze it in cubes and wipe the skin in the morning. This remedy clears the pores, prevents the appearance and treats unwanted rash on the face.
- From headache - 3 tablespoons of dry grass fill with a liter of boiling water and stand 2 hours. Infusion of the souls rinse the hair after washing the head and dry naturally, that is, without the use of the hair dryer. This will help relieve the tension and reduce pain. The decoction is as useful for restoring and strengthening hair.
- From dental pain - shake dry flowers of raw materials or just hold them in the mouth for 5 minutes. You can also rinse the mouth of the decoction. It should be understood that the tool will take pain, but will not cure the tooth. During pregnancy, visit the dentist is recommended in the 2nd or 3rd trimester.
- With a cold - take crushed flowers and leaves of raw materials, inhale the aroma nose.
- For relaxation - aromatherapy Essential Oils of the Own: Drip a few drops in Aromolampu and enjoy a pleasant aroma. This soothes the nervous system, contributes to the normalization of sleep, is prevention against colds.
- If the ear hurts a cotton swab into the heated decoction of the souls and laid in the auditory passage.
- To improve the well-being and removal of voltage, you can spend a dry soul on the room and breathe it with a pleasant smell. This agent will also save you from some types of insects, in particular from moths.
Thus, if you expect the appearance of the baby, it is not necessary to completely abandon the use of the soul. The main rule is not to take it inside, in all other cases, the oregano will only benefit.