Toxicosis during pregnancy, how to deal with him

Toxicosis during pregnancy, how to deal with him

At the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman often "attack" the attacks of nausea, it decreases the appetite, a vomit reflex appears, and in more severe cases, dehydration and threat of miscarriage are diagnosed. Reduce such unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis can be independently, the method of correction of nutrition and lifestyle. About how to do it goes on.

Toxycosis during pregnancy - cardinal revision of power

The diet and the power of the woman in a position that suffers from toxicosis should be special:

  • Food techniques must be regular, but at a time better there is a small portion.
  • The meal temperature should be warm, even a bit cold. Hot dishes are better not.
  • From the diet, smoked and salty eats are excluded. Also under the ban fatty and acute food. It is unacceptable to use products with a high content of preservatives and aromatic substances. It is limited to carbonated water.
  • The menu is enriched with products with protein and vitamins (dairy products, cereals, eggs, dried fruits, dietary meat).

Toxicosis during pregnancy - optimal drinking mode

To remove thirst, prevent dehydration and reduce the frequency of seizures of vomiting you need to use clean water in sufficient quantity. Juices, soda and other drinks are not suitable. The optimal amount of fluid required per day is 2-2.5 liters to 20 weeks of pregnancy, and 1.5 l per day after the onset of this period of gestation.

In addition to water, you can drink compote from dried fruits with a small amount of sugar.

Toxicosis during pregnancy - routine of the day

It is important to organize your day correctly:

  • No matter how bad you feel, you need to have breakfast. If you are tormented by the morning nausea, ask someone to bring you food into bed.
  • More often go for a walk. The influx of fresh air will remove nausea.
  • If there is no complications during pregnancy, sign up for yoga or attend the pool.
  • Step back from all the stress.
  • Regularly ventilate the bedroom, prefer loose clothing and temporarily give up the use of perfume.

Traditional recipes from toxemia during pregnancy

  • Herbal decoction. Connect the two parts of calendula, yarrow, mint and one of the valerian root. Brew 4 of Art. l. raw liter of boiling water. After 30 minutes infusion strain and take 50 ml 3-4 times a day.
  • Citrus. Stop an attack of nausea, you can use slices of lemon or tangerine. Eating fruits may optionally be only slightly hold them in your mouth.
  • Ginger. To eliminate toxicity only fresh ginger root. Its worth a grate and add a small amount of tea or soup.
  • Multivitamin tea. Based drink lingonberry, cranberry and rosehip improves health, relieves nausea and helps to remove toxins from the body, which appears as a result of toxicity.
  • Pumpkin. A decoction of the pulp of the pumpkin is often used for nausea. It should be 100 g of pulp pour 500 mg boiling water and infuse. Eat can be as a compote with no restrictions.

Overcome early toxicosis are many ways and methods for this abound. Talk to your doctor and pick up a tool that will help you to easily overcome the period of toxicity.

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