How to get rid of deaths during pregnancy

How to get rid of deaths during pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy is the most common problem. Avoid the appearance of edema only units women. Their appearance can create a future mother of a number of problems that are also able to bring discomfort to the baby.

What is the danger of edema during pregnancy

As a rule, swelling during pregnancy appear due to excessive use of fluid to the future mother. However, there are other reasons for the occurrence of edema during the period of tooling the fetus.

  • Gestosis. Severe complication associated with the presence of various chronic diseases and belated toxicosis.
  • Preeclampsia. Sharp increase in blood pressure in late pregnancy, which can lead to violations in the work of the liver, kidneys and brain.
  • Eclampsia. Raising blood pressure combined With impairment in the work of the heart and convulsions.

How to get rid of deaths during pregnancy with the help of medical drugs

This pathology requires treatment under sensitive medical control, so it is categorically prohibited to appoint itself medical drugs. For each part of the body, the specialist will select a suitable means.

  • Cyston. Used during swelling of legs, due to a disorder in the operation of the urethra.
  • Hofitol.. The drug helps to improve blood circulation, in the presence of a disease of the kidneys and bladder.
  • Phytolizin. Special paste having a specific taste and smell. Removes inflammation, kills various microbes and is used as a diuretic.
  • Kanefron.. The medical device contains many herbs useful for the body. As a rule, people with violations in the work of the kidneys are appointed.
  • Eufillin. The drug has a positive effect on the work of the bladder and kidneys. Easily outputs salt and excess liquid from the body of the pregnant woman. However, it does have some side effects before using consult your doctor and read the instructions carefully medicament.

How to get rid of swelling during pregnancy with the help of folk remedies

There are several popular ways of fluid removal from the body during pregnancy. It is important to know that unauthorized treatment of traditional methods can exacerbate the health of future mothers, so before using any prescription necessary to obtain consent obstetrician-gynecologist.

  • Cranberry drink. Type 2 cups cranberry (optional lingonberry can be used) and using kitchen tolkushkoy grind berries. Pour mixture 1 liter of water, and then put on fire. Wait until the drink starts to boil, then remove from heat. Give Morse cool downThen drink as often as possible. Morse will help your body get rid of excess fluid and enrich it with vitamins.
  • Drink from dried apricot. Rinse thoroughly 2 cups dried apricots, pour 2 liters of boiling water. Give the drink a brew for 1 hour. Drink fruit compote every time you want a drink.
  • Herbal tea. In a separate bowl, mix 20 grams of rose hips, 20 g cranberry leaves and 20 g of fennel. All the ingredients you need to pour boiling water, then leave to infuse for 1 hour. The mixed herbal tea should drink no more than 3 times a day.
  • Foot bath. Dissolve in a basin of lukewarm water and a certain amount of sea salt. Perform these procedures 1-2 times a day. This procedure you will be able to improve blood circulation, muscle performance and remove fatigue.

How to get rid of edema in pregnancy - diet meals

Proper nutrition - the key to good health and enrich the body with various vitamins. Experts say that diet during pregnancy have to be fractional and correct, and fluid intake should not be a day exceed 2 liters.

  • How can I consume less salty foods, and it is better to eliminate them from your diet until the complete disappearance of edema.
  • In no case do not drink soda, brew and all the juices, except fresh.
  • Eliminate various spices and spicy products, after it may be tempted to drink.
  • Curd, fish and chicken dishes - enable this food in your diet, because protein is good for your health.
  • Add more vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables to your body.
  • Align your diet with diuretic drugs or specially cooked drinks in the form of a morse, herbal teas and a compote from the Kuragi.

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