Everyone knows that when entering a child, a woman often swells, hands and face. This is a fairly common phenomenon, so it is considered the norm. Then the question arises why doctors, studying the tests of their wards, follow the degree of their swelling.

Edema is when the liquid is accumulated in the tissues. First of all, it can be seen on the face, legs, but besides this, the hands and the lower back will swell. "Pregnant" edema is explained by an increase in fluid need, for this reason women drink much more. Most of the weight, which is recruited for the entire pregnancy, is a liquid. Another explanation of this process is a sodium cluster, which attracts water, thus delaying it.

How to remove the edema during pregnancy - the rejection of salt

Cooking salt includes that sodium sodium, delaying fluid. If you use a lot of salt, then the liquid will remain in the tissues.

It is best to exclude this product, or at least reduce its consumption to the maximum. You need to eat less salty tomatoes and cucumbers, sauer cabbage, sausage products, as well as all sorts of chips and crackers, smoked products. During the preparation of dishes, you can do without adding salt.

No need to be afraid that the child will not receive the desired amount of sodium, because it is present in other products in the form of salts.

How to remove ethics during pregnancy - healthy eating

In addition to salt, other restrictions are present in the diet. Problems with vessels can lead to swelling. For this reason, it is necessary to take into account.

It is not recommended to fry meat, it is better to cook it. Limit the use of oily, strongly acute, sweet, flour. To eat cereal, useful fruits and vegetables daily. The pressure is influenced by such drinks as coffee and tea, so it is not necessary to abuse them. Green tea contains a large amount of caffeine, so you can use it a couple of times a day. Make focus on fresh juices and purified water.

Remember, the overall calorie of the food received on the day should be a maximum of 3,500 Call. And the words about the fact that the woman in the Regulation should have for himself and the child remain only myth.

How to remove the edema during pregnancy - drinking mode

Previously, pregnant was allowed to drink a maximum of 1.5 liters of liquid. But then as a result of the research, it was revealed that it is absolutely not useful. Due to this, venous walls and blood indicators deteriorate. An interesting position increases blood volume, so it needs to be maintained to avoid all sorts of problems.

Woman in a position should drink about 2.5 fluid every day. This volume includes soups, fruits, etc. Drinking water is recommended throughout the day.

Water during gestosis should be replaced with tea with milk, juices and plates.

How to remove ethics during pregnancy - limit diuretics

Medicinal preparations can bring harm to a child. Therefore, before using even the most innocuous drugs, you must consult with your doctor.

Often future mothers are prescribed homeopathic preparations, hurricane fees for a diuretic effect.

They wash potassium necessary for normal heart activities, Mom's bones and for the future skeleton of the child. It is necessary to fill the losses of this element with dietary nutrition and a complex of vitamins that the doctor will appoint.

How to remove the edema during pregnancy - vacation feet

Half of pregnant women show such a disease as varicose veins. Swelling feet is a symptom of illness.
To minimize the risk of varicose disease, it is necessary to rest, as well as raise the legs above the level of the body. If pregnant often sits at the table, then you need to put your feet on a special stand. In the lying position, you need to watch the legs rise by 30 cm. This can be done with the help of a pillow under the mattress.
Reduce varicose varicose veins with a cream that contains horse chestnut extract.

How to remove the edema during pregnancy - rest on the left side

Pregnant should relax and lie mainly on the left side, because in this case the load on the kidney is minimal, and their work will be carried out better and faster. In the edema of the face, the strong chubbyness of the fingers, as a result of which it is very difficult to squeeze them into the fist, an excessive swelling of the lower back - urgently consult a doctor.

How to remove the edema during pregnancy - movement

If the future mother is constantly in motion within a reasonable, the fluid in the legs will accumulate much less. Hiking is useful for pregnant women, so you need to walk every day at least 40 minutes. It is recommended to do a special gymnastics, swimming, yoga. With sedentary work, you need to pauses for five minutes, namely kneading the feet, get up on the heels.

How to remove the edema during pregnancy - treatment

If serious deviations are seen, you should contact a specialist. Gestosis is very dangerous for both mom and baby, so it is better not to engage in self-medication.

Treatment depends on the results of the analysis. When protein detects in urine, high pressure, shortness of breath, drugs eliminating the causes of edema, which improve the work of the kidneys and hearts will be prescribed. These are drugs such as magnesium, lipoic acid, vitamin E. In extreme cases, diuretic drugs are prescribed, because they have a lot of side effects.

Each case is individual, therefore, the measures for removing edema are also different. Only a doctor after a medical examination can determine their cause!