How to relieve rality

How to relieve rality

Disturbance of metabolism and fluid delay in the body lead to edema. Of course, there are a number of other reasons provoking edema. Eveniness and swelling do not add to a person of attractiveness, so it is important to know how this swelling is removed.

Water and lemon. Prepare cool boiled water with lemon. Lemon Acid VamiG will remove swelling from the face.

Slices of cucumber. Cut the cucumber on slices and cover the elastic part of the face. Tell so ten minutes. The cucumber will absorb the excess fluid and refreshes the skin.

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We remove swelling after hitting or removing the tooth. If the edema appeared due to the impact or as a result of the removal of the tooth, the cold will help. Cold compress attach to the skin. If the edema did not disappear within three hours, it is necessary to seek help to a doctor, you may have serious damage.

Use special ointments. Pharmacies sell special ointments and cosmetic products that take swelling. Such ointments are applied to the skin, and after some time it is washed away, eliminating swelling.

Drink birch juice. Effectively fights with edema birch juice. You can drink it in the morning before eating in any quantity.

Saves green tea. Green tea improves kidney and metabolism. This contributes to a more rapid removal of excess fluid from the body.

Ice and herbs. Make a chamomile, a lamp or sage and let's brew about three hours. Then the decoction will fill in the mold for ice and freeze. Ice cubes wipe the skin for five minutes every hour.

Take a diuretic. Buy in a pharmacy special collection of diuretic herbs. They will remove the liquid accumulated in the body and remove the edema.

Evenkers are always better prevented than then get rid of them.

  • Do not drink a lot of fluid before bedtime.
  • Limit the number of salted food in the diet.
  • Refuse alcohol.

Tips for the removal of edema will only save your appearance, you must visit the doctor. Only he will establish their true cause and suggest you the right treatment.

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Vika 04/29/2019 at 13:26

From the swelling, the lymphatic regulatory concentrate of Mesotoq helps. I put it a couple of hours before sleep and no edema in the morning


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