How to remove the tumor from the face

How to remove the tumor from the face

Many families have such a problem as the swelling of the face. The reasons to contribute to the emergence of this problem, there are many, as well as to eliminate it.

How to remove a tumor from the face - diuretic

Because of the excessive use of water, the swelling of the face may occur. Such edema go throughout the day. In the summer, this process is faster due to the active sweating. In the cold seasons, it will not be superfluous to buy in advance in a pharmacy diuretic (Laziks, diakarb, hygroton, etc.). Preferably consult with your doctor so that there are no contraindications (problems with the kidneys, allergies, heart problems, reduced pressure).

How to remove the tumor from the face - proper nutrition

Improper nutrition may also cause swelling. The use of acute and salty food always causes thirst. The more you drink water, the more the face and the whole body swells. Everyone knows that salt is able to delay the liquid in the body. If you are prone to swelling, then give up salted food. The result you will see instantly!

How to remove the tumor from the face - the correct way of life

Harmful habits generally negatively affect health. Alcohol abuse, smoking, as well as constant lack of sleep and low-speedability - may be causes of edema on the face. What to do? Doctors are not recommended to engage in actively sporting people who are prone to swelling. To remove swelling from the face and body, go out on fresh air and just go through the park. Highlight for all this 30-40 minutes.

How to remove a tumor from the face - folk methods

Our grandmothers knew how to remove fast swelling from the face. For this we used champs, masks and compresses.

The easiest way to eliminate swelling from the face is to make a mask from potatoes. To do this, it must be cut into thin plates and smoothly decompose on the marlay. Gauze gently attach to the face for 10-15 minutes.

To remove swelling in the region, our grandmothers used ordinary green tea. For such compresses, green tea is suitable in bags. Just throw it in boiling water, let it cool and attach sachets under the eyes.

Instead of tablets, our grandmothers were prepared brazers from lingonberry, flax seeds, nettle, hunter, rosehip fruits. The pharmacy sells ready-made mixtures of herbs that have diuretic properties.

How to remove the tumor from the face - other methods

Evenkers on the face occur in some women before menstruation. The reason lies in a hormonal imbalance. Cold compresses will help to partially remove the tumor from the face in such a situation. Special gel masks are sold in stores, which are pre-placed in a refrigerator for cooling, and then applied to the face.

If the edema on the face became a constant problem, then the campaign to the attending doctor will be the best option for solving it. Watch your health and eliminate the root of the problem, and not just its consequences!

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