Wonderful time - pregnancy. Husbands are ready to escape among the nights behind the jar of salt cucumbers, freshly baked bread, a cake, just a pregnant wife was full and satisfied. Women mistakenly believe that now must eat for two. There are two and for two - this is a big difference! Is it possible to lose weight during pregnancy and if so, how?
How to lose weight during pregnancy - the excess weight is dangerous
Pregnancy is not a disease during which you can eat your sadness, emotional breakdowns, experiences, "hormonal" ups and downs. A woman should understand that her body will have to be under the heart of his baby as many as 9 months. This is already load on the spine. By adding more extra kilograms from buns, chops, hamburgers, the burden on the joints, kidneys, the internal organs grow. As a result is swelling, hypertension, flatfoot, varicose veins, gastritis, etc. What to talk about complications during childbirth. After all, with an increase in the weight of the mother, the weight of the fetus is growing. And if you do not plan to make a caesarean section, then think about the very appearance of the baby. How safe is it for you and for him? Mama stands to bother in advance about their diet and lifestyle.
How to lose weight during pregnancy - grade in weight in the norm
Doctors lead approximate indicators that may vary individually for each mom. On average, it is believed that a pregnant woman with one child is gaining 10-12 kg for 9 months. How to understand that you are gaining overweight? This will tell you your doctor. For each mom, these indicators will be individual, and only your doctor will be able to tell you whether to lose weight or not. The future mother should not forget to weigh every week.
How to lose weight during pregnancy - meals
We will not reinvent the bike. If the weight you dial because of the wrong diet, it will be useless to make gymnastics. So that the body does not panic, do not need to drastically remove all sweets, smoking, chops, etc. from your menu. To begin with divide the servings into 2 parts. I give one "enemy", the second eat yourself. Our body is very cunning comrade, if you stop sharply eating your usual food, it will begin in a panic "throw" fats for a black day. Eat more fiber, fish, low-fat meat, porridge, a little fruit (there are a lot of sugar), salads (do not overdo the tomatoes). All products must match the season. Those. Strawberry in mid-December we should not eat!
How to lose weight during pregnancy - physical exertion
If your pregnancy takes place calmly, without deviations, it will be worthwhile to do gymnastics for pregnant women, sign up in the pool, spend more time in the park in the fresh air. During walking, take breaks, sit on the shop, stretch, move your feet with your fingers, pull the feet on yourself. Do not be surprised that your walk will remind a break in school. 40 minutes on a bench, 5 minutes walk. For pregnant women at large times, it is more than enough.
How to lose weight during pregnancy - emotional state
It is hard to lose weight when in the family is not all smooth, permanent quarrels with my husband, misunderstanding at work, problems with neighbors. Your child does not need this stress, so abstract. Watch yourself as if you do not hear bad conversations. Immediately turn on the imagination, think about the baby, how will he grow, who will become. So you will stop dying your problems and gain overweight. If possible, at the time of pregnancy, spend time with those people with which you are comfortable. Do not tolerate the gossip of your best friend, do not absorb negative emotions of foreign.
How to lose weight during pregnancy - reading
Scientists have proven that people during reading lose weight. Be sure to read books about childbirth, proper nutrition, child development, etc. Site with benefit. You will notice that the feeling of hunger will not be so obvious, because your brain will have no time to think about food, studying useful and interesting information.
How to lose weight during pregnancy - love
Sex is better than any fitness center. If pregnancy proceeds without complications, then you should not put the taboo on making love. Sex helps to reset extra kilograms. For 25 minutes of preliminary affection, a woman can get rid of 25 calories (10 minutes of light jogging).
Lose weight during pregnancy can be, but you need to do it under the control of the doctor. Fat needs a future mother, so the body protects the fruit. In no case can you sit on radical diets, starve, torment yourself in the gym, swing the press, run and jump. You just need not to overeat and move a little to maintain good well-being.