How to quit smoking during pregnancy

How to quit smoking during pregnancy

Refuse smoking for a future mother is recommended at the stage of pregnancy planning. But often two strips on the dough are complete surprise. If you have just learned that you are pregnant - it means there is a better time for you to quit smoking.

Why it is important to do

The best way to quit smoking during pregnancy is your motivation and desire to give birth to a healthy child. If you decide a solid solution to abandon smoking, then you will see how much your mental attitude affects the desires and needs of the body.

What are the consequences of nicotine addiction for the kid:

  • increases the likelihood of miscarriage on any gestation period,
  • possible complications in the form of uterine bleeding and placental insufficiency,
  • risk of premature births increases
  • baby can be born with a big weight shortage,
  • the risk of birth of a stillborn child is increasing
  • the syndrome of the sudden death of babies is 40% more in smoking mothers.

All this makes it clear to the importance of abandoning smoking, because the five-minute pleasure is not worth happiness to have a healthy child.


As mentioned above, the best method for pregnant women is the power of will. You just stop smoking in one day, report your decision to family members, friends and colleagues. It is best to enlist the support of loved ones, since assistance from the side is very important to strengthen your mood. Possing strength can also read specialized literature aimed at getting rid of nicotine addiction.
The process of cleansing the body from nicotine takes an average of 7 days, and this is the most difficult week. In the future, it becomes much easier to cope with the desire.
There is a common opinion - it is impossible to sharply throw smoking during pregnancy, as it entails excessive stress for the body. This myth is not justified. Harm from smoking is much higher than the effect of the consequences of refusal of cigarettes. Throw smoking is the best thing you can do to health your baby during pregnancy.

Another secure method is considered to appeal to specialists. There are special groups under the guidance of psychologists, which analyzes the behavioral features of the smoker. Here, the future mother understands, in what situations she needs a cigarette, why she smokes, a plan of action is drawn up on the gradual abandonment of smoking.

There are other methods, but their use during pregnancy is not safe. Be sure to consult with your attending physician if you decide to choose some of them:

  • The use of nicotine plasters, zhwamk, sprays or electronic cigarettes.
  • Acupuncture - needles are entered into certain points depending on the ear. It helps to cope with the need for smoking for 5 sessions. However, the motivation of the woman itself here also plays an unimportant role.
  • Hypnosis - the patient is introduced into the state of the trance and through the suggestion there is a refusal of smoking.

Common myths about smoking and pregnancy

Currently, incorrect information about smoking during pregnancy has been widespread. These myths are not only misleading, but also demotivate future mothers when trying to refuse cigarettes:

  • If you smoked in the first pregnancy, and you have a healthy child, it means that the baby will not suffer in the second pregnancy. This is not the case, because every time, smoking a cigarette, you are subject to a child's life danger.
  • If you did not quit smoking in the first trimester, it makes no sense and stop. Throw smoking makes sense in any period of pregnancy, as it reduces the risk of premature birth and the birth of a baby with a shortage of weight.
  • Smoking is relaxing, and to be calm useful for you and the child. A great misconception, as the baby actually accelerates heartbeat and the blood pressure increases. In addition, with each tightening in the blood, the content of carbon dioxide and the amount of oxygen is reduced.
  • It suffices to reduce the number of cigarettes per day - and this will reduce possible risks. Remember that there is no safe level of smoking. Even from one cigarette per day, chemicals will come to the blood that can harm you and the child.
  • If you stop smoking, then score in weight. If you think so, the pregnancy is the best time to abandon smoking, as the weight gain in this period is normal and testifies to the development of your baby. Discuss with your doctor permissible rate of addition and rejoice in additional kilograms.

Throw smoking during pregnancy - the only correct decision regarding this habit. It will be the right solution on any gestation and will save you and your baby. There is no incurable dependence, there is a weak will, low motivation and insufficient purposefulness. Refuse cigarettes, and then you will experience the joy of sensations over the nicotine-free pregnancy.

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