What should be cum

What should be cum

Family couples who are trying to conceive a child are looking for the causes of their failures. One of these reasons may be bad sperm in a man. Modern films of erotic content significantly distort the concept of normal color and quantity of sperm. What should be sperm from a healthy man?

The amount of seed fluid may vary in the range of 2-7 ml. This is approximately ½-1 tablespoon. Moreover, the amount of ejaculate may not always indicate the health of a man. Much depends on the consistency, color and smell of sperm. Even a few drops of ejaculate can fertilize the egg. This is caused by high mobility of spermatozoa.

Ideally, the ejaculate should be white with a gray tint. Yellow or pink seminal fluid can indicate a variety of infections and diseases. Representatives of strong sex, often changing sexual partners, risk infected with some kind of infection. As a result, the sperm becomes yellow and can smell badly. A healthy man ejaculate has the smell of chlorine. In some women, this smell is associated with an aroma of fresh puff pastry. The pink shade of the seed fluid appears as a result of diabetes mellitus or venereal diseases.

What should be cum

Consistency ejaculate moderately viscous. It should not be like jelly. Ideally, viscosity sperm resembles a liquid sour cream. After a while after ejaculation, the ejaculate becomes more dense, and then again liquid. Jelly lumps and white splashes may appear. It is a change of viscosity that allows a woman to get pregnant. It plays an important role in the process of conception. In modern laboratories, the sperm gelling indicator always determine.

What should be cum

If the seed fluid is completely transparent, then, most likely, there are few male sex cells in it. A bluish shade of liquid also appears when a decrease in the quality of the ejaculate. Very thick cum, consistency resembling Kisel, indicates a possible disease of the man.

What should be cum

Usually due to prostatitis, cystitis and a banal cold quality, the viscosity of the seed fluid and its amount decreases. This is due to loss of fluid in the body.

What should be cum

In order not to invent a partner a variety of diseases, it is best to pass a sperm analysis called a spermogram. In special laboratories, ejaculates are investigated for the presence and viability of sperm. Normally, a healthy man can have up to 10% of fixed and up to 50% of low-propelled spermatozoa. This is quite normal and does not talk about reducing the reproductive function. In the laboratory check the viscosity and time of sperm dilution. These indicators are important when planning a child.

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Anya 05/15/2018 at 17:19

In general, I never thought that I would be interested in it)) However, when I was confronted with a bipon with a husband on a background. Just a bad spermogram-information began to draw from everywhere, from where you can, and most importantly, I understood, you need to rely on the opinion of the doctor And listen only to him. The husband on the recommendation of the urologist took effects of the Tribulus, stopped smoking with grief in half, began to eat right. As a result, the spermogram improved and I got pregnant)).


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