How to prepare for childbirth cervix

How to prepare for childbirth cervix

Preparation for childbirth - very multifaceted and includes many tasks. One of the important points is the preparation of the cervix. The course of childbirth depends on her readiness. Therefore, try to pay enough attention to her.

The maturity of the cervix to childbirth means that it is closer to the date of birth (39-40 weeks) becomes a soft, elastic, length of it is reduced, the location of it becomes central (usually it is inclined to the rear fold), and the cervical canal passes one finger longitudinally .

If an obstetrician does not see signs of cervical matters, tells you that the neck of Rigidna, then you will be selected special preparations that prepare it for childbirth. These drugs include antispasmodics: but-shpa, papaverine, in candles or injections; Preparations containing hormone prostaglandin; sininester; Folliculin in injections. Also prescribe laminary administration directly into the cervix - this procedure is performed by a doctor in a hospital.

In the case when the contractions have already begun, and the cervix does not reveal - the cervical canal introduces a probdyl-gel (or other similar ones), it is able to reveal it literally in a few hours.

Of the folk remedies use grasses champs: fruits and leaves of strawberries, rosehip fruits, horsetail grass and hormour, decoction or infusion of hawthorn fruits, raspberry leaves, dust decoction. The collection of these herbs begins to drink from 38 weeks, with each week increasing the dose of 1-2 glasses per day.

The widespread use of the capsules with oil inside oil. Their reception starts from 36 weeks, systematically increasing the dose.

Also recommended to engage in regularly sex, without the use of a condom, as in sperm contains a large number of prostaglandins, which stimulates the softening of the cervix.

Do not try to diagnose yourself, ready or Rigidna Your cervix! Do not engage in self-medication! Only after the consultation of a specialist is proceeding with treatment, because even it would seem, innocuous herbs can cause you more harm, rather than use. Do not risk, remember that you are not only responsible for yourself, but for the kid!

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