How women give birth

How women give birth

Miracle Birth always caused surprise not only among the representatives of the beautiful floor, but even in men. The process itself for a woman is quite difficult to name light. How does this happen?

Birth begin with the opening of the cervix. At first-night, this process takes an average of 13 to 17 hours, those who have already gave birth - from 10 hours. If the disclosure time is longer, then doctors talk about protracted births.

After the water goes, the most unpleasant process begins - contractions. They appear with a certain frequent. And if at first the pain is not too strong, then at the end of the woman will have to thoroughly suffer. Of course, each tolerates this unpleasant process in different ways, depending on the individual painful threshold and sensitivity. To reduce pain, it is recommended to rub the lumbar to the woman in labor, with which the future dad will easily cope, and also take the most convenient posture (sitting, standing, lying, jumping on the ball, standing on all fours, hanging on a rope - each of us has its own). The beginning of the battles - a signal to gather in the hospital. The most important thing is that it is not necessary at this moment! You can start to stand only after a doctor or obster says. Otherwise, the child will not have time to take the necessary position for a normal way out of the generic paths.

Immediately, the yield of the baby on the light begins after the uterus has revealed for 10 cm. From now on, the woman begins to sleep, helping the baby to go through the generic paths. For the first time, the process lasts about 2.5 hours, in the second and after - about an hour. These indicators are very conditional because some lucky more - they have a process can take only 15 minutes (such fenceries are called beginnish). If the fruit is large, the head can not pass or the uterus has not revealed enough, the doctor makes an incision of the crotch. When the baby has already completely released, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord.

The last step becomes rejection of the last and the appearance of the placenta. It takes an average of 1 hour. At this time, the female Feel Feeling Nonal Fights. During this time, the baby was washed, weighed and inspect.

After the process is completed, the doctor inspects the patient and, if necessary, sews breaks or incisions. For some time, the guinea is in the maternity block, and then they will be taken to the ward. If the childhood passed normally, nor mom nor the baby need additional care, after a couple of days they are written out.

Many of us, having listened to terrible stories, experience insane fear of childbirth. However, not all of all the process is so hard as described. And, of course, the joy of the appearance of the baby allows you to forget all the unpleasant sensations that happened. To be better prepared and not afraid, it is recommended to undergo special prenatal courses, in which experienced specialists will teach the rules of breathing, will tell how the other subtleties are. It is also very important to listen to the midwife, without being distracted by his feelings. And then everything will be wonderful!

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