How to take childbirth

How to take childbirth

This kind of information is useful to know everyone. After all, to be in an emergency is the case of the case. And it is better to be ready to provide urgent assistance to a giving birth woman than to pass by or nervously watching.

If you are next to the giving birth in a public place or transport, the first thing to call for an ambulance yourself or ask others. Ask the surrounding loudly, there is no physician among them. And, not a panic, be prepared to take the situation under your control.

As far as the situation allows, create the conditions for maximum purity. Prepare clean sheets, sterile bandages, alcohol-containing disinfectant, green, blade and lighter. Thoroughly disinfect your hands, finger tips with nails treat with iodine.


Between the legs of the women in labor spread clean sheets. The main process will pass without your intervention, the forces of the future mother. As soon as the head appears, it is gently to put one palm for it, and the second maintain a born baby, while neatly laying it on the unplaced sheet. The bandage gently and carefully remove the mucus from the mouth and the nostrils of the child. Pay attention to the umbilical cord not stretch.


A minute after birth, tie up to the child the umbilical cord in two places: 10 cm (especially tight) and 15 cm from the navel of the newborn. The plot of umbilots between the nodules should be accessed by iodine. The blade of the razor, scissors or knife burn over the flame of matches or lighters, then take it with iodine, now pupils between the nodes. Enter the bandage from the bandage folded into several layers over the end of the umbilical cord from the newborn. Dump the baby into the clean sheet, look at something warm.


Take the birth of the last. Do not pull the umbilical cord! Prepare a clean paper bag, napkins or fabric to collect the last for further medical analysis. Press the mother's abdominal abdomen several times to stimulate the placenta outlet.


If the baby breathes and shouts, you did everything right, attach it to the mother's chest and rather deliver them to the hospital, preferably in the maternity hospital.

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