How to calculate the weight of the fetus

How to calculate the weight of the fetus

The normal weight of the future child is a problem that interests many future mothers. Some pure curiosity plays - what kind of weight will my baby be? Another important is that everything is normal to ensure that development goes according to plan. In any case, despite the fact that the child is in the womb and it is simply so impossible to put on the scales, separating from the body of the mother, find out the approximate weight is quite real and to do it at home.

The most popular ways of predicting the weight of the fetus

There are several ways to calculate the mass of the fetus and weight of the future child. They are named inventors:

  • Lancakes;
  • Bubichenko;
  • Yakubov;
  • Jorders;
  • and also with the help of ultrasound.

In order to take advantage of the formulas of these scientists, you need to own some information about your body:

  • own weight;
  • the height of the bottom of the uterus;
  • abdominal circumference;
  • growth of pregnant.

In the event of a weight determination in the ultrasound indicators, the calculations make a doctor on the already known data for the ratio of the period of pregnancy, linear characteristics of the fetus and weight.

Basic formulas for calculating the weight of the fetus

All formulas for which it is customary to determine the approximate mass of the fetus was removed experimentally and have a high degree of accuracy, but so that they are maximally reliable, many factors should be taken into account.

  • Lancuts formula: We summarize the circumference of the uterus and the height of its bottom (in cm), as well as the weight (in kg) and the growth (in cm) of women and multiply the resulting 10 - the result is quite accurate.
  • The formula of Yakubova: We summarize the circle of the uterus and the standing height and multiply the value obtained by 25.
  • By jorders consider the work of the circumference of the uterus at its standing height.
  • The most simple formula Bubichenko: the weight of the future mother is divided by 20.

If it is difficult to consider these values \u200b\u200byourself, you can use online calculators, but all the necessary measurements naturally need to be done independently.

How to measure the main indicators for the weight calculations of the fetus

First of all, the scales and centimeter tape are needed. The length of the circumference of the abdomen (uterus) is produced at the navel level, and the height of the bottom - as shown in the figure below. But it is necessary to take into account that some factors significantly distort the results. They deftly recognize an experienced professional, but can miss a lover (pregnant woman). So, the results will be inaccurate if:

  • doubles twins;
  • there is a lot of subcutaneous fat;
  • too many intrauterine water (or too little);
  • suspect of the presence of a syndrome of the development of the fetus and so on.

If there are no specified problems, a woman may well calculate the weight of the child in domestic conditions, but in other cases it is better to ask for a observing physician.

How to interpret the results

Having calculated the alleged weight of the child, it can be understood how good the pregnancy flows. The norm is considered the limits of 2500-4000. If the weight is below the norm, the intrauterine hypotrophy suspected when the placenta works not enough. And when weighing the weight of the pregnant woman should urgently correct its weight and observe both both and with a child, because children-giants have a high risk of various diseases like diabetes.

Fruit weight value for obstetrician

Calculate the weight of the future child is not just like this - it is very important for future obstetric practice. In the event of a sharp deviation of the projected results from the norm, the doctors advise to plan a cesarean section, and there are several reasons for this:

  • prematurely child may be too weak, so his birth should be made as simple as possible for him;
  • a giant child may suffer from the birth of certain metabolic diseases, therefore it is also shown Cesarean;
  • when the birth of large children is too high, the likelihood of their innate injuries, as well as more negative consequences for the mother itself.

So, the weight of the child should count not only due to idle curiosity, but also for the diagnosis of normal development of the fetus, as well as childbirth planning. This can be done in domestic conditions, which will not be difficult for any mother, but will save on possible risks.

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