How to find out the term of pregnancy

How to find out the term of pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the happiest periods in the life of a woman. And for each woman, it is equally important to know when the most exciting date will come - the birthday of the kid.

Normal pregnancy duration is 280 days, or 40 weeks, or 10 moon (obstetric) months. During this period, the period of pregnancy can be determined by such characteristic features as the cessation of menstruation and the first movement of the fetus.

How to find out the term of pregnancy on menstruation

In this case, the determination of the period of pregnancy does not occur on menstruation, but by its delay.

If the woman remembers the date of the last menstruation, then the moment of the occurrence of pregnancy can be considered the 14th day from its start, provided that the cycle lasts 28, and not, say, 30 days. But this count does not give a complete guarantee, since even a healthy woman ovulation can occur in different times of the menstrual cycle with a large scatter: from 8 to 18 days.

How to find out the term of pregnancy by the formula

By the first day of the last menstruation, seven days is added and take three months. The resulting number is the alleged birthday of your baby.

For example, the last menstruation began on June 8, making the simplest mathematical actions, we find the date of birth - March 15. Based on this formula, special calendars are created for pregnant women, which can be defined not only by the date of birth, but also the date of the first movement, and the beginning of the maternity leave.

What time is the first movement going on?

Typically, the first movement of the fetus is fifth month. But primary milfs feel a move somewhere in the twentieth week, repeatedly - at week 18. Particularly sensitive girls can feel the movement of their child already at the sixteenth week.

How to find out the term of pregnancy - consultation of the gynecologist

After the examination, the gynecologist will confirm the presence of pregnancy, it will establish its period and determine the estimated date of delivery. The sooner you consult a doctor, the more precisely the date of this exciting event will be set. The doctor can set the term of pregnancy.

But after 12 weeks it will be more difficult, since each child develops individually and the increase in the uterus in pregnant women occurs in different ways.

In obstetric practice, the term of pregnancy and date of birth is determined by objective data:

  • the magnitude of the uterus;
  • fetal dimensions;
  • uzi readings.

It is almost impossible to determine the exact date of birth, since with a normal duration of pregnancy 40 weeks, deviations for two weeks are allowed to one or the other side.

The most reliable and reliable way to determine the term of pregnancy is to go to a consultation to the gynecologist. In addition to determining the term of pregnancy, the doctor can still immediately determine the risks that may arise during pregnancy. At the first suspicion of pregnancy immediately contact the gynecologist.

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