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  • Pregnancy
    Pregnant woman should know exactly what changes occur in its body. The fact that such a mucous plug is, the girl does not even suspect to stay in an interesting position.
    22.07.2018 337 0
  • Pregnancy
    Pregnant women, for the most part, are always trying to learn as much information as possible about what you need to eat on a time or another, what new sensations will appear and what happens to the body of pregnant and directly with the fruit.
    04.07.2018 332 0
  • Pregnancy
    Scientists, for a long time, will discuss the meaning and purpose of dreams. But all of us have an insatiable desire to figure out what and why happens when we sleep.
    19.03.2018 381 0
  • Pregnancy
    The market offers a huge selection of goods for newborns. Because of this, inexperienced parents are lost and often buy not necessary things.
    13.03.2018 339 0
  • Pregnancy
    About 25% of the birthdayrs receive internal and external breakdowns during childbirth. In the risk zone are not only primible, but women already having children.
    16.11.2017 352 0
  • Pregnancy
    Waters that are also called amniotic fluid serve as a child of a natural habitat during its intrauterine development.
    18.08.2017 419 0
  • Pregnancy
    A wonderful period waiting for a child becomes more intense before childbirth. How to behave and what should I do?
    01.07.2017 427 0
  • the beauty
    The birth of a child is reflected not only on his mom's life, but also on her figure. Who would not want to look just like after pregnancy again as before her?
    12.06.2017 507 0
  • Pregnancy
    The birth of a child's family is a pleasant and long-awaited hassle, which are conjugate with serious financial spending on doctors, maternity hospital, mother's rehabilitation, child care.
    03.06.2017 428 0
  • Children
    Each nursing mother may encounter such a problem as a stagnation of milk. But this phenomenon can be easily eliminated.
    21.05.2017 522 0
  • Children
    The breast pump is a very useful device for collecting breast milk during the period of the Castoev. Such cases occur very often, and the cause can be an overabundance of fluid in the mother's body, as well as the absence of an appetite in a child, which leads to a cluster of milk in breast glands.
    14.05.2017 427 0
  • Pregnancy
    Undoubtedly, the first births are tested for strength for the future mother. But, before you give birth, you need to survive the battles.
    13.05.2017 410 0
  • Pregnancy
    Before the birth of a child, quite a bit of time left and you no longer wait to become a happy mom, but the rest does not give fear before childbirth.
    20.02.2017 458 0
  • Roda
    The birth of a child is the brightest and happy moment in a person's life. Nevertheless, it does not prevent many women to experience anxious feelings, since the process of birth of a new life is extremely heavy and painful.
    06.02.2017 493 0
  • Pregnancy
    According to Article 255 of the Federal Law, the amount of decisted accruals is calculated from the amount of average salary over the past 2 years.
    29.01.2017 518 0
  • Pregnancy
    The meeting with the baby very soon, which means that the future mother probably began to be nervous. Women awaiting the firstborn, as a rule, ask the question "How to understand that the fights began and not to blink this moment?
    21.01.2017 448 0
  • Pregnancy
    Rhodework by cesarean section has once saved the life of both mother and child. There are such cases where the bill goes for moments and time for natural genera.
    13.01.2017 442 0
  • Pregnancy
    With the approach of the cherished date, each mother feels anxious and excitement. All women who expect a baby for the first time, are afraid to miss the forerunners of the beginning of labor.
    07.01.2017 444 0
  • Children
    You just crossed the threshold of the maternity hospital. In the hands - a small and long-awaited lump, a new family member, whom not only to love, but also take care.
    01.01.2017 507 0
  • Health
    All girls and women dream of being beautiful and slender. But, unfortunately, the happy motherhood postpones his comfrequency on the mother's figure.
    25.12.2016 495 0
  • Pregnancy
    Many women are alarming await the beginning of childbirth, especially if they are the first. How to recognize the harbingers of the beginning of the battle, because all of them start differently?
    13.11.2016 461 0
  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy comes to an end and to a meeting with the baby remains a few minutes, but before you need to overcome the last test - childbirth.
    15.10.2016 492 0
  • Pregnancy
    Women who are waiting for the second kid seemingly knowing what the harbingers of childbirth are. But in practice, everything is wrong.
    04.09.2016 479 0
  • Health
    The stimulation of childbirth is incredibly important when all the expected deadlines for the birth of a child came out, and childbirth is not in a hurry to please you.
    04.09.2016 484 0
  • Pregnancy
    The painful pain that a woman is experiencing during childbirth can be attributed to one of the strongest pains that a person is able to endure, both in physical and psychological indicators.
    23.08.2016 502 0
  • Pregnancy
    Each pregnant woman is looking forward to meetings with their long-awaited blukee. And many future mothers wish to know how to calculate the approximate date of delivery.
    20.08.2016 559 0
  • Roda
    The occurrence of childbirth Each mother is waiting with trepidation, because the long-awaited baby will appear, and the pregnancy will finally end with all the inconveniences of the situation.
    18.08.2016 493 0
  • Roda
    In the first hour of life, the baby is applied to the chest mom in order for him to be fed first food. Breast milk is an indispensable component of the infant ration, food, streaming impregnated with maternal love.
    14.08.2016 518 0
  • Pregnancy
    After childbirth can fall out for several reasons. If you encountered a similar problem, this is an article specifically for you.
    12.08.2016 484 3
  • Pregnancy
    The question of the date of birth often in pregnant women causes a lot of discussions and disputes. The difference between ultrasound examination, own calculations and those that record the doctor in the card are configured.
    12.08.2016 429 0
  • Anatomy
    If you are a future mother or recently gave birth to you will be interested to know how quickly your body can recover after the child's birth.
    09.08.2016 563 0
  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy is the most wonderful time in the life of every girl, but how many new information, discoveries and knowledge she carries!
    27.07.2016 515 0
  • Roda
    The last trimester of pregnancy is an exciting and alarming period for a woman. Her anxiety increases: "Will I miss the fight?
    03.07.2016 580 0
  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy - the most exciting and wonderful time for every woman. When a few days remain before childbirth, a woman begins to look for signs of approaching birth.
    12.03.2016 594 0
  • Pregnancy
    Every day the belly of a pregnant woman is becoming more and more, in addition, it periodically changes his form, depending on the child's position in it.
    10.03.2016 632 0
  • Roda
    The birth of a child is an exciting moment in the life of each family. But at the same time, there are a lot of money on the maintenance of the baby.
    06.02.2016 786 0
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