How to make Cesarean

How to make Cesarean

Rhodework by cesarean section has once saved the life of both mother and child. There are such cases where the bill goes for moments and time for natural genera. And before the doctors it is worth a good goal - save man. A woman who will have a surgery wants to know how the cesarean section occurs.

Types of cesarean section

There are 3 types of cesarean sections, such as:

  • small caesarean section. Performed for a period of up to 28 weeks;
  • emergency caesarean section. Ex the exemplary is carried out under general anesthesia, provided that the life of a mother or child is at risk. Most often, with this operation, a longitudinal incision is produced, which allows you to extract the fruit as soon as possible. It makes such an incision much easier and faster. For this reason, it is carried out in an emergency. The scar from the longitudinal cut is much more visible, as it is located from the pubic bone to the navel. If a re-operation is needed, the incision is made on the first seam. On the body of the woman remains visible only one seam;
  • planned caesarean section. The operation is carried out in a strictly designated day according to the doctor's testimony. With this planned operation, most often, a cross-section is produced, which is considered cosmetic. And also this type of cut in the lower segment of the uterus has a minimum number of complications. During the planned cesarean section, there is a smaller blood loss, it is easier to connect the edges of the wound and sew them.

Preparation for Cesarean section

If the plan is planned, then the female inheritant in a few days before the birth lies in the receiving department, gives all the tests. She also consults with specialists, one of them is anesthesiologist. She will have to choose anesthesia. There are 2 types of anesthesia:

  • general anesthesia;
  • local anesthesia (epidural).

With epidural anesthesia, the woman in labor is in consciousness, hears and sees how the process of operation occurs, as well as the moment of his child's birth. If mom feels good, then the child is put on her chest. General anesthesia is used less often, as it has a pernicious effect on the health of the feminine. It is often used with an emergency cesarean cross section or a small caesarean section. On the day of operation, you need to stop eating and take the enema 2 hours before surgery. You also need to remove the bikini zone.

Course of cesarean section

  • The feminine falls on the operating table, hands and legs are fixed with straps.
  • Install the catheter in the bladder.
  • The sensors are connected to it, with which medical personnel can control the state of the woman.
  • After the selected anesthesia began to operate, with the help of the scalpel, the abdominal wall is cut, the lower segment of the uterus.
  • Pierce the fret bubble.
  • Remove the child.
  • Extlive later, purify the uterus.
  • Sewing the uterus, abdominal wall.
  • The sterile bandage on the seam is superimposed.

Cesarean section takes about 20-40 minutes, depending on the characteristics of this operation.

Postoperative period after cesarean sections

A woman who has suffered a cesarean section, we need peace during the day. At this time it is under the watchful control of the medical staff. In the absence of any complications, mommy feeds his baby after 2 hours. Also, oxytocin and antibiotics are prescribed mammage. Provided that everything is in order with the baby, it is placed in the ward with a mammy. Children's doctors and nurses regularly go to them. Check the condition of the child and teach care for it. Semi-life can be renewed after two months of peace, subject to the lack of complications. A woman in obligatory for 1 year it is necessary to enjoy contraceptives, since an unexpected pregnancy threatens serious health problems. Subsequent pregnancy can be planned after 2 years. Provided that the state of the scar in satisfactory condition and the state of health allows. Rhodeworgrate subsequent pregnancies only by the operation of Cesarean section. Hospitalization for the operation is carried out 2 weeks ahead of the deadline in 37-38 weeks.

The operation of the cesarean section should be done only when the doctor insists on this. Do not be afraid, listen to doctors and follow their instructions.

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