Bleeding after childbirth what to do

Bleeding after childbirth what to do

Blood discharge after childbirth often worried women. At the same time, doctors argue that blood can be observed for another 2 months after the birth of the kid. In this article we will tell how to reduce the amount of blood after childbirth and what to pay attention to.

How to speed up the process of purification of the uterus

You need to go to the stomach more often. This contributes to pressing the uterus and its cleansing. You can not use gaskets, replace them with sterile diapers. More often apply a child to the chest. So you provoke oxytocin and uterine reductions. Normally, after the birth of a child, a large amount of oxytocin is distinguished into the blood, which provokes a reduction in the uterus and the discharge of blood. It is worse if the selection a few hours after the blessing is scarce, it indicates an insufficient reduction in the uterus.

Bleeding after childbirth what to do

Do not use drugs to reduce the amount of selection. Immediately after delivery, you can apply ice to the perineum. This helps to reduce the uterus and small blood vessels. 2 hours after the bore of the midwife or the doctor should carry out a massage through the abdominal wall. During this manipulation, the uterus is freed from a huge amount of blood.

Bleeding after childbirth what to do

When to beat the alarm

Normally, within a week after the delivery, a woman should flow bright blood with clots. This is quite normal, the uterus is cleaned from the residues of exhausting endometrial, mucus and clots. After all, during childbirth, the fruit place is departed, which was attached to the walls of the uterus. In the place of attachment of the placenta, the wound is observed, which bleeds. In addition, microcracks can be observed from which blood becomes. Bright allocations in large quantities a few hours after childbirth are considered the norm.

Bleeding after childbirth what to do

All blood discharge after ancestration is called Lochia and can manifest themselves 2 months after the advent of the baby. A week after the delivery, the nature of the selection should change. Blood becomes brown and resembles a "masculine" as after menstruation. Normal is considered orange or yellowish discharge resembling sucrovitsa. In any case, a tendency to reduce the amount of blood should be observed.

If for more than two weeks you notice Aluu Blood with clots, consult a doctor. Perhaps in the uterus there were pieces of fruit sites that can cause blood infection. In this case, additional scraping is necessary. This happens in 20% of women after childbirth.

What to do if the selection a week after the birth intensified

If you have noticed that blood has become more, and it has an unpleasant smell, contact your precinct gynecologist. You must have visited your doctor for a month after the birth of crumbs. It will appreciate the late postpartum period. Perhaps prescribe drugs to increase hemoglobin. Drink hemostatic drugs are prohibited.

Cannot be used to absorb the Lohi Tampons. The hole in the cervical canal is still very large, and you can apply infection. Use urological gaskets and often take a shower. It is impossible 2 months after the birth of crumbs in sports and sex, it can cause bleeding.

Despite the change in the rhythm of life after delivery, give yourself attention. Highlight time on visits to the doctor, try to rest more.

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