When monthly occasion after childbirth

When monthly occasion after childbirth

After the birth of a child, the female organism needs to be recovered. At the same time, over time, the stomach acquires such a form as before childbirth, and the uterus takes the former position. In this article, we will tell when menstruation should begin.

Temporary norms

Gynecologists are usually not called specific deadlines when one should go monthly. The timing of the ripening of the egg depends on the set of factors. At the same time, it should be understood that the prolactin hormone, released during breastfeeding, inhibits the growth of the dominant follicle. Therefore, it is believed that if you are feeding cloth with interruptions that do not exceed 3 hours, then you will not begin the monthly before the enclosure. To mature an egg, you need to make feeding less often, respectively, the amount of prolactin will decrease, and estrogen will increase.

When monthly occasion after childbirth

Many women note that with an excellent appetite, the baby and frequent feedings begin for monthly during the year after delivery. Therefore, it is not worth worrying. Consult a doctor if you have an unprotected sexual contact, and you have nausea and weakness. You may be pregnant.

Monthly after Cesarean

Gynecologists just do not take to put clear terms when monthly after cesarean should begin. Very often, mommies of kids born with the help of cesarean cannot be breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that milk may arrive in 3-7 days after surgery. Accordingly, after delivery in this way, a woman can begin menstruation in 1-3 months.

When monthly occasion after childbirth

Contraception with breastfeeding

Even if after birth, there has not yet been a single menstruation, and you feed the baby with breasts, be sure to take care of contraception. With large interruptions between feedings, the level of prolactin level and the FSG jump may be observed. There may be spontaneous ovulation, which will end with pregnancy. If you do not want to use condoms, put the spiral in the presence of a permanent partner. Drinking combined oral contraceptives with breastfeeding can not be. You will suit single-phase pills mini-drank. They are made on the basis of progestins. Such drugs do not affect the lactation and health of the baby.

Irregular monthly after delivery

After the first monthly after genera, the menstrual cycle may remain irregular. It is quite normal if you feed the baby's chest. Prolactin can brake ovulation, so monthly can begin later than usual. After 3-4 months, the menstrual cycle is restored.

How many first monthly after delivery

Pay attention to the nature of the selection and their duration. If monthly go more than 10 days, consult a doctor. It is worth noting that after childbirth, the character of menstruation may change. If you feel before pregnancy, before monthly pain in the chest or at the bottom of the abdomen, then after childbirth, the pain may decrease. After the birth of the crumbs, the mucous membrane of the uterus is completely reborn, endometriosis and hyperplasia disappears. Accordingly, monthly becomes less abundant and painless.

If more than a year has passed after the birth of the baby, and you have long introduced the luch, and there are no menstruation, then consult a doctor.

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