How to quickly lose weight nursing mom

How to quickly lose weight nursing mom

The natural desire of each woman who corrected during pregnancy or during preparing for it is the speedy weight loss and return or acquiring a slender sex figure. And despite the fact that all the forces, worries and thoughts are devoted to a new family member, only a healthy, happy and confident mom will be able to raise the same baby. The period of breastfeeding is not a reason to postpone slimming, but how to quickly reset the weight of a nursing mom, read further in this article.


Any weight loss will be successful only if you are well-molded. One desire to bring the figure to normal state is not enough, it is necessary to form and consolidate this desire. Therefore, before you do it, think about what and for what you will be covered, whether you have enough will, dedication and discipline. The reason for gaining a figure can be anything:

  • favorite wardrobe that has become small;
  • restoration of the lost form;
  • the desire to become more attractive in the eyes of her husband;
  • exemption from complexes that appeared with overweight;
  • getting rid of health problems that have led extra weight.

Restrictions in the diet of a nursing mother

Of course, your baby sensibly responds to high-quality changes in the composition of breast milk, but some restrictions will benefit not only to you, but also your small crumb. Even if during pregnancy you succumbed to gusts to eat something harmful and unusual, now it should be hard to control their will and appetite power. For the sake of a thin waist, it should be accurately and categorically placed under the ban:

  • smoked, salted, fried dishes;
  • sausages, sausages and any kind of sausages;
  • chips, crackers and other snacks;
  • non-frown vegetables;
  • any preservation;
  • chocolate;
  • mayonnaise and sauces based on it;
  • any dubu
  • fast Food;
  • all that contains preservatives and dyes.

Milding Mom

A woman who feeds breasts is obliged to properly organize the power mode so as not to harm the baby. After all, together with breast milk, the kid should receive all the necessary useful substances. You will need to make a healthy balanced diet, observing the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You must also follow the vitamin composition of your menu. For normal digestion, take care of the daily use of at least 2 liters of water and a sufficient amount of fiber, as well as take into account the recommendations in the preparation of the diet:

  • To withstand the calorieness of the daily diet of at least 1800 kcal and no more than 2000 kcal.
  • Observe drinking mode. Drink at least 2 liters of pure bottled water.
  • It is necessary to eat small portions, no more than 200 ml. The number of food intakes increase to 5-6 times.
  • Dinner Plan no later than 4 hours before sleep.
  • The main part of your day menu should be vegetables and fruits.
  • From meat, give preference to chicken fillet and lean beef.
  • Be sure to include fish, dairy and dairy products, cereals and cheese in the diet.

Healthy nutrition

Physical exercise

Physical exertion are a prerequisite for the effective slimming of a nursing mother. However, it should be noted that even if the birth has been favorable, it is possible to proceed to sports activities not earlier than 8 weeks after discharge. If the childbirth passed through the cesarean section, then it is possible to proceed to physical education at no earlier than 6 months after your gynecologist confirms the full healing of the internal seams. With earlier occupations, the likelihood of seams and depression of lactation is large. When choosing a physical activity, pay attention to classes in the pool, yoga and morning gymnastics. In addition to the good shape, these classes will give you a great mood and rested fresh look.

Balanced nutrition and correctly selected physical exertion will allow you to quickly find the desired form. Always remember that the constant and painstaking work on itself will open up thousands of possibilities and horizons. Forget about Leno and start doing yourself. However, if with all persistence you do not notice the results, be sure to consult a doctor-an endocrinologist to eliminate endocrine pathologies.

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