How to lose weight in caviar

How to lose weight in caviar

The issue of weight loss in the calf bothers many women. Some people do not like the fact that the bottom of the legs look chubby, others - that they are too muscular and inflated, the third - the very form of the calf muscles ... a panacea for all the problems we believe weight loss. Is it really? Is it possible to lose weight only in the calves, while maintaining the overall weight? What you need to do to eggs decreased? The answers to these and other questions, see below.

Who really need to lose weight in the calves

Many girls are subjective and overly critical of their appearance. If you fall into this category, then you must first love yourself, but do not rush to sit on a diet and written to the gym. Start with the fact that will be examined in themselves and try to achieve spiritual harmony. Internal changes are displayed not only on appearance but also on mood, perception of themselves and others.

If you regularly visit a "rocker" and engaged in the strength training equipment, then your calves look great due to the fact that they are properly inflated (but not due to the fact that thick). Lose weight in this case, in this zone you are unlikely to succeed. Unless you stop doing strength exercises with weights and prefer more feminine occupations: stretching, Pilates, step.

Each person has their own body constitution. Someone thin ankles nature endowed from birth, others as bends on his feet less feminine. If you belong to the second and think losing weight will solve your problem with the shape of the calf muscles, you are mistaken. The natural shape of the feet you will not be undone, let's not argue with Mother Nature. Therefore, the weight loss in the calf in your situation will not solve the issue.

It is really worth thinning to those who cause large callers are excess fat deposits in this zone. Simply put: If you have extra kilograms. And, as a rule, they accumulate not only in caviar, but are distributed throughout the body. But now we will concentrate your attention in caviar. So …

Revising your diet and lifestyle

The following food contributes to the deposition of fats on your body:

  • sweet;
  • saline;
  • fat.

If you declared war on excess centimeters in caviar (although not only!), Leave protein food in your menu, and more fruits and vegetables. All the rest exclude.

Throw drinking and smoking. In addition, these harmful habits make irreparable harmful harmful to your health, they also "slow down" the process of weight loss, since the body does not work for full force due to the fact that it cannot be fully cleaned from unnecessary.

Sports exercise

The main rule for you is to perform cardiography, and not power. The best option is to swim and run. But you need to run for at least 30 minutes a day without stopping.

The best friends for you should be:

  • treadmill;
  • rope;
  • stepper.

If simulators are not for you, then do yoga, pilates or aerobics.

But it is possible to do at home, do not forget about it! Save time and money will help the following set of exercises for calf muscles:

  • Lying on the back and bent the legs in the knees, alternately pull socks to yourself.
  • Close alternately each foot on the step platform, perform the exercise rhythmic and dynamically (not only the ionic muscles, but also the buttocks).
  • Make a deep step with right foot forward, keep your hands for the buttocks, keep your back straight - begin to bend the right leg in the knee, and the left at the same time completely relies on the foot (run 15-20 times, then change your leg).

Massage and spa treatments

If you have already completed all previous items, then massages and wraps will become catalysts in your weight loss. By themselves without an integrated approach, they are unlikely to help you achieve the desired result. But after an intensive workout, with the exclusion of the diet of a sweet and fat massage or spa, help you reduce the layer of adipose tissue in caviar.

The most important thing is to fulfill these recommendations systematically and regularly. Only in this case you will achieve such an effect that you dreamed of!

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