Is it possible to get pregnant to menstruation

Is it possible to get pregnant to menstruation

Female body does not always work like a clock. Therefore, a small risk becomes pregnant on any day of the menstrual cycle. Of course, there is a calendar method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, but it does not always work.

In order to calculate the driving period, it is necessary to divide the number of days of the cycle in half. From this figure you need to take away 2. As a result, when the cycle duration is 28 days, the dry-drone period will be 12 days. That is, 6 days after menstruation and as much after them.

Is it possible to get pregnant to menstruation

In fact, the female organism can work with failures. Deviation of 2 days before the presumptive period of ovulation is considered the norm. But it happens that with regular monthly eggs leaves the ovary not by 12-18 days of the cycle, but before or later. This is due to the concentration of hormones in the blood and women.

Is it possible to get pregnant to menstruation

Girls suffering from lack of progestins can be pregnant in just 2-3 days before menstruation. The luteinizing hormone has no 12-18 cycle day. Due to the lack of this hormone, the dominant follicle containing an egg cell is not broken. Only when the required concentration is reached, an egg generation occurs. It can happen on 21-22 cycle days from 28. This means that it is impossible to engage in unprotected sex even in the period of clinical dryberry. Even for 3 days before menstruation, you can get pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant to menstruation

How to protect? It is advisable to use the basal method. This method is based on temperature measurement inside the rectum throughout the cycle. When the temperature jumps at 0.1-0.2 ° C, a large amount of luteinizing hormone is thrown into the blood. That is, after 1-2 days, ovulation will come. Of course, it is not very convenient to measure the temperature every morning. You can use special tests to determine ovulation. They are sold at the pharmacy.

Is it possible to get pregnant to menstruation

If you already failed the calendar method and you got pregnant during the dry-drone period, you should not be protected in such a way. It is advisable to take contraceptives or use condoms. It is worth remembering that when taking kokov, bleeding is not a full-fledged monthly, so when you have sex, these days need to be protected.

Is it possible to get pregnant to menstruation

There are women who have several eggs for one cycle. You may have the number of these girls. Do not experiment and risk. According to statistics, about 30% of fine sex representatives are pregnant during the drying period. At the same time, the risk of pregnant in giving birth is much higher.

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Karina 14/11/2018 at 12:51

You can get pregnant absolutely on any day of the cycle, but only with the condition that everything is excellent and in a woman and a man. We have tried with my husband for a long time and did not get anything, even in ovulation. And it turned out the cause of such failures in his bad spermogram. Treatment was held-took spermplant and tincture on Salfa .... After such therapy managed to get pregnant immediately before the month ... So the cycle day is not so important)

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