Harbingers of childbirth in repeated

Harbingers of childbirth in repeated

Women who are waiting for the second kid seemingly knowing what the harbingers of childbirth are. But in practice, everything is wrong.

Harbingers of childbirth in repeated

It is worth talking about the fact that the harbingers of second childbirth are no different from the forerunners at the foreheads, well, in addition to the fact that the recurrent process occurs much faster. This is explained by the fact that the cervix already giving birth women has a wider lumen, and therefore it also reacts much faster to hormonal incentives (but it is only when there are no more than 10 years between the first and subsequent births, otherwise the process and sensation will be such as And for the first time). Significant information about the beginning of childbirth can only be provided by the doctor gynecologist-obstetrician, controlling the dynamics of the cutting of the cervix. However, this does not mean that a woman will not be able to independently understand that the process began and prepared for such a long-awaited meeting with his baby.

So, let's talk about the forerunners.

Secondary harbingers of childbirth in repeated

  • Weight loss. A couple of weeks before the birth, the body begins to get rid of the extra fluid, and the pregnant can not only stop gaining weight, but also to lose weight.
  • Instinct nesting and mood swings. A few days before childbirth, a woman appears an unconscious desire to prepare for the desired meeting with the baby. She has a desire to make general cleaning, prepare children's things, pack the bags in the hospital and buy all the necessary and necessary. There may be a feeling of tremendous fatigue and the desire to already give birth to such an euphoria.
  • Outstanding the abdomen and the increased activity of mommy. This is explained by the fact that the baby has already taken the right posture, his head fell to the exit, and Momchka becomes easier to breathe, retreats heartburn, but maybe it will become inconvenient to sleep and pick up a suitable pose to sleep will be very not easy. It should also be known that not all of the pregnant women are lowered by the tummy.
  • Pain in the lower back. It is also one of the harbingers, which says that the bones begin to disperse, and the body is prepared for childbirth. But it should also be aware that the flaw pains do not always appear before childbirth and may appear from the load on the vertebra.
  • The change in the usual activity of the kid says that the baby is already preparing to choose a convenient birthday for it and will soon meet you soon.
    All these harbingers indicate that the kid will soon appear on the world and it's time to cook all the necessary things and documents to go to the hospital at any time.

But there are also such precursors who suggest that it is time to dress and cause a husband, a taxi or ambulance, and go to the maternity hospital.

Prerefficers of fast delivery

  • Testing mucosa. If at first kinds you might not pay attention to it, now you know that the testing of the plug is a sign of the onset of fast birth. True, the mucous plug can move and together with waters or even during childbirth.
  • Digestive system. On the eve of childbirth, as a rule, self-cleaning of the body occurs. A stool may send, nausea will appear, vomiting, loss of appetite. All these symptoms may appear both together and separately. May be sick and stomach. This is already talking about the beginning of the battle.
  • Pain or contractions. Sometimes the beginning of birth begins with pain in the stomach and lower back. They can pass, and can be constant. In any case, the presence of this symptom says that you need to be particularly attentive.
  • Disagreeing waters and feeling of pressure on crotch and pelvic bones. An obvious precursor who speaks for himself. If water has already moved, then you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

The forerunners can be observed from any pregnant woman, already starting from 37-38 weeks, but their presence does not mean that you need to panic and shout that pregnant already gives birth. The forerunners simply say that it's time to already collect everything you need and prepare for the long-awaited meeting with your baby.

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