How to prepare for childbirth

How to prepare for childbirth

The birth of a child is a very important event in the life of every woman. You need to prepare in advance. It is necessary to do it comprehensively.

If the first is the first, you need to replenish the luggage of your knowledge. You can watch a video, read books on this topic or go to courses for preparing for childbirth, where experienced professionals will help shut down everything around the shelves. You need to get answers to a few questions. The first - what is natural childbirth? It is also worth understanding which forerunners, and disassemble three periods in detail: what exactly is happening with the body in each of them. An important thing is: how to fight pain during childbirth - he should pay special attention.

Be sure to purchase some skills and skills: generic postures, breathing and relaxation. There are several breathing options on training courses. Each woman in labor should train, and already in the process of childbirth, to choose something that will help alleviate pain. It is also necessary to practice take different poses - it will also come in handy when generic activities begin.

Important is the preparation of the body. Birth can be compared with a 40 km marathon, and it is impossible to run without training. Therefore, you should prepare the body to this complex process. First - to eat right, it is worth following the diet of pregnant moms. Also, preparatory gymnastics is equally important. It will be enough to deal with 15 minutes a day for a month. Active lifestyle is exactly what you need pregnant. You can go to the pool, the improvement of the state contributes to walking in the fresh air.

Psychological (moral) mood must be necessarily. It is necessary to discard all the excitement, experiences and fears about the upcoming clans. During pregnancy, it is necessary to surround yourself with a positive, communicate with moms who had light births, read interesting stories of the appearance of kids to light or just watch comedies and films on this topic.

For believers need to be prepared and spiritually. Read the prayer for the child, the well-being of family and light childbirth. Also, without exception, it is recommended to be in unity with your loved ones, because during this period there will be very support.

For those future mothers who plan to meet the baby together with dads, you need to prepare a man to this process. To tell how the process passes, what should be his help. It is recommended to go to partner training courses.

And the last but no less important is the collection of things in the hospital. A few weeks before the planned date of delivery it is necessary to sprinkle everything that will be needed in the hospital: in the maternity hospital (clothes for mom and baby, medicines, hygiene products, it can sometimes be useful for food and tea); In the ward (clothes, dishes, hygiene, bed, things for a newborn).

It should be remembered that childbirth is a very responsible moment in the life of every woman who requires good preparation. It is not necessary to neglect this, because the woman depends on the readiness of the woman, as it will be the appearance of a baby to light.

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