When it comes to milk after childbirth

When it comes to milk after childbirth

In the first hour of life the baby is applied to the mother's breast for he ate the first meal. Breast milk - an indispensable component of the infant diet, food, thoroughly impregnated with a mother's love.

Types of breast milk

The first two days is not a huge amount of milk. Of breast squeezed a few drops of that part of the wave of inexperienced pervorodok. Consider in detail the evolution of the mother's milk.

Nature has created three types of breast milk:

  • Colostrum.
  • Transitional milk.
  • Mature milk.

Each type of allocated time, they differ in composition are the same as intended - to saturate the baby.

types of milk

The very first milk after birth

Outside mother's tummy first child needs for each attachment to the breast only a few drops of colostrum. This name in the very first milk. The number is due to the child's needs. Newborns do not absorb a lot of food at once. Their stomachs contain only up to 7 ml of food. Therefore, a few drops of colostrum it is more than enough.

Colostrum - incredibly nutritious. It is rich in beneficial minerals, hormones, vitamins, enzymes. The protein content it may be up to 14%. The average rate - 7%. For comparison - in mature milk of not more than 4% protein. The fat content of colostrum slightly. Heavier food imperfect baby's digestive system can not digest.


The appearance of large amounts of milk after childbirth

Only 3-5 days, sometimes the second, there are the long-awaited rivers of milk. Suddenly surging higher volume of milk. In this case, the chest is filled, and the ability to increase the size of just 1-2. Together with the influx of milk from mothers may slightly increase body temperature, due to the rearrangement in the body.

This milk is not so rich in proteins and minerals. The fat content increases the consistency of the milk thicker. Color - yellow-beige.


Mature milk after childbirth

Only after 14-20 days the milk becomes mature. Its amount stabilizes and depends on the need of a kid. Further, the volume can be changed due to the increase in the need and decrease when the first lure is introduced.

There is less and less occurrence between feeding.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is normal - 1.2%, respectively, 3.5%, 6.5%. Milk is nutly and so remains until the introduction of the first dust to achieve the baby is 6 months. After six months, nutrition decreases.


How to speed up the process of the appearance of milk after childbirth?

In fact, the process is so natural that nothing specifically should do. The most important thing is to apply baby to the chest more often. The more baby sucks, the more milk appears to the next feeding.

Mom is important to monitor its nutrition. Food should be nutritious, rich in useful minerals, vitamins.

It happens that some kids are difficult to cope with too tight breasts. Experts recommend making a small massage before applying to facilitate the task of the child.


How to find out whether milk is enough?

After the first three days of the baby's life, determine whether he was enough milk, it is possible by the number of wet diapers. If the kid watches more than 6 pieces per day - it means dehydration does not exactly threaten.

Chair of newborns from the first days of black life. Then it moves to green and brown, and already with the adaption of transition milk - to yellow. If milk typed the desired calorie and fatness, the chair becomes like a thick mustard of the grainy consistency.

Mom's chest to feeding is poured, after a little falls and is made softer, in the interruptions between feeding in the first weeks milk may involuntarily flow. All this testifies to the establishment of lactation and is another confirmation that everything goes according to plan.

Being hungry, the child wakes up, actively sucks the chest, you can hear how he swallows. The toddler satisfiedly fall asleep after feeding.

Sleep after feeding

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