How to choose a hospital in Moscow

How to choose a hospital in Moscow

Each woman in its own way presents future childbirth. Someone plans to call an ambulance when the contractions begin, and go to give birth to a hospital duty, and someone with all thoroughness comes to the choice of maternity hospital and the doctor who will take part in this exciting process.

Some future mothers want to decide responsibility for making decisions in the rhodzale and reduce pain from the process itself. They are satisfied with the most effective anesthesia, even a cesarean section. Others want to give birth independently, carefully prepare for this responsible case, learn literature, go to courses of future parents. Not depending on what type you feel, it is important that you and the doctor have complete mutual understanding. If you do not get it support before everything starts, do not discuss the general moments, the process can go wrong how you expected.

Choosing a hospital where labor will be held, it is important to pay attention to the territorial remoteness from the place of residence. In Moscow, more than 30 hospitals, so it is better to determine which of them are not far from you, and choose from them. Not all bodies pass through the same scenario. Maybe the urgent intervention of medical staff (for example, rapid childbirth or emergency cesarean), and the faster you can get into reliable hands, it will be better for mom and kid.

In addition to close territorial locality, it is important to understand what kind of childbirth options are practiced in the institution chosen. In some hospitals in the first period, there is a free behavior in the first period: it can walk freely, do exercises, take a shower (water has an anesthetic effect). It is also possible to stay in the bathroom, the pool in the first period of childbirth, which allows the girlfriend to significantly reduce pain and relax. In the maternity hospital with the chambers of the family type, the future dad can be in the ward before childbirth and live in it in the postpartum period. Consider what option you are more suitable, and specify the maternity hospital if you offer these conditions. By the way, in Moscow, three hospitals (№№4, 6, 25) have the title of "hospitals, benevolent to the child." It is assigned to them by the World Health Organization due to the fact that the early attachment of babies to the chest is practiced here, the lack of pacifiers, feeding.

Now you should consider with whom you want to give birth (on your own, partnerships with mom, husband, girlfriend) and how do you want to spend your first days after childbirth. Some maternity hospitals offer a girlfriend accommodation in the chamber of the type "Mother and Child", that is, the child will be around the clock next to you. This will allow you to establish breastfeeding on demand (it is recommended to adhere to WHO), do not worry about the baby, feel calm, without interrupting communication with the crumb, learn the elementary rules for the care of the baby with the help of medical staff.

It will not be superfluous to learn about the equipment of the hospital with equipment, find out about the presence of children's resuscitation (chamber of intensive therapy) in case the childbirth will not develop on the planned scenario and the baby will need special care. Ask, whether the presence of a resuscitator, a surgeon, anesthesiologist is provided in the duty teams of the hospital, whether there is a blood transfusion separation.

In Moscow, there is a hospital who are in hospitals. They are needed to those women who have any pathology. For example, with a kidney disease, women give birth to hospital number 20 in the hospital hospital, with diseases of the heart - in the hospital maternity hospital No. 67, etc. If a woman has a rare disease or several of them, it is worth choosing a maternity hospital at some big hospital, then it will be possible to call a narrow-controlled specialist around the clock for consultation.

It should also be considered possible options for the flow of labor. Today, vertical childbirth is practiced in some hospitals: with the right approach, they will be useful and safe. With such kinds, a woman in attempts is in a vertical position: kneeling, squatting, on a special chair with a slot.

Deciding with the place, the issue of payability should be resolved. You can give birth for free or for money. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the family, her views. On average, paid childbirth in Moscow will cost approximately 30,000 rubles. By concluding a contract for childbirth, it is important to understand what you pay:

  • will you give birth under the supervision of the duty team or you will have a personal doctor who will start watching you from 36 weeks of pregnancy;
  • whether the predatory hospitalization is envisaged;
  • whether a number of additional services are allowed (collaborative delivery, a visit to the kid relatives, etc.);
  • what postpartum chamber will provide you (ordinary or high comfort);
  • how many postpartum stay in the hospital lasts;
  • whether the possibility of emergency cesarean section is indicated when an unforeseen situation occurs;
  • what are the terms of insurance, the volume of medical care in the late and early generic period.

Choosing a hospital, should not be repelled from the reviews on the Internet. You can believe a relative, a friend that you personally know. Other people can treat many things in different ways and not always their opinion coincides with yours.

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Angela 05/04/2019 at 15:49

In the hospital number 8 under the GKB. Demikhova give birth, I arrived, posting in advance through the hotline they have on the site. The contractions went on a high note and to relax, I was offered to draw. It could not imagine that it could divert so away from such acute sensations)) I was visited by my babies already the next day and no one prevented this.

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