How to choose a bandage for pregnant women

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women

With the onset of the 16-18 week of pregnancy, the tummy begins to gradually increase, and the future mother turns out to be a choice - to wear antenatal bandage. If you do not think without it, the next few months or in support of the fetus, a medical need arose, to buying it is to take full responsibility.

There are several varieties for pregnant women in the modern market:

  • in the form of panties (completely covered the stomach, it has more pressure, at the top - less, dressed in a horizontal position);
  • elastic bandage belt (supports the uterus from below, removes the load from the loin, it is conveniently adjustable in width, dresses standing or lying);
  • the rubberized combined belt (during pregnancy, a wide party fixes the back, narrow - supports the bottom of the uterus, after childbirth, it is dressed on the contrary and helps the muscles to quickly gain a tone);
  • bandage belt with player function (recorded mother's voice or copied music is reproduced through vibration that is transmitted to the child).

When choosing a bandage, it is important to understand what purpose you are haunting. Some models are capable of protecting the skin from possible stretch marks, cope with the load of multiple pregnancy or pathology - completely different. In the case of the ultimate recommendation of the doctor to wear a bandage, do not take responsibility for the choice, trust his recommendations and instructions of the manufacturer.

Although bandages are marked in size and you can choose the option "on the eye", yet it is better to try it before buying. Test sample dress only lying to properly distribute the pressure. Make sure you have enough comfortable. If you buy a bandage in the middle of pregnancy, pay attention to those models that suggest a good size reserve for a growing baby.

Here, in the store, decide whether you can wear a support belt. For girls leading an active lifestyle, may not fit the bandage, which is dressed only in the horizontal plane.

Next, we look at the material. The more natural in the fabric, the better. The perfect combination is cotton, elastane, microfiber. Separately, evaluate the fasteners: Is it possible to use them without assistance, do they cut into the skin if the growth of the abdomen is provided?


Quite high quality and externally, a pretty bandage can be purchased at an average price. The class above are the models with additional features, such as a loaf massage or playback of MP-3 files. Before a visit to the store, check with the observant doctor, as far as the bandage is needed in your case and there is no contraindications to its use.

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