Exercises of Kegel for pregnant women - Method of execution
Eliminate and speed up the process of childbirth dreams every future motley. This can be done by preparing the necessary muscles of the pelvic bottom. With the help of kegel exercises for pregnant women, we will learn to train the muscles involved in the process of childbirth, make it more elastic and strong. Consider the methodology for performing these exercises, discuss the benefit of each of them.
All the listed exercises are performed only by the muscles of the pelvic floor, try other muscles to keep relaxed during classes. We note right away that any of the proposed exercises should be periodically performed in various poses: standing, lying, sitting.
Cut it yourself comfortably, lying on the back or sitting on the sofa (in urban transport, in line in the store, even in the office in the workplace), spread a slightly legs and strongly strain the muscles as if you are trying to delay urination. Hold your muscles in this position 10 seconds. Smoothly relax. Repeat the exercise several times with a break in 15 seconds. This exercise is useful both to simplify the generic process and for the speedy recovery of the muscles of the vagina after delivery.
The second exercise is much more complicated. Sit in the lotus position (or approximate to it). Close your eyes and imagine your vagina as a house with several floors (minimum 3). Now, try to raise the "floors" with the muscles, lingering for a few seconds on each of them. When you get to the top point, start the same slow descent, resting again at each of the "floors". The first few days to perform such an exercise will be quite difficult. But after a week you will forget about difficulties and even feel the result. Except for childbirth, this exercise works well in the sexual sphere, making brighter orgasm both the most women and her men.
This exercise is performed in a rapid pace with wave-like movements. Quickly strain the muscles of the vagina, just as quickly relax them and immediately strain the anal hole. Now relax anus, strain the vagina and relax it. After a couple of seconds, rest will repeat the exercise. Regularly performing such an exercise, you will learn how to correctly control the muscles in childbirth, which will significantly speed up the process of expulsion of the fetus. Excellent if you can dare to read or watch your favorite transfer.
Last exercise teaches correctly. The ignorance of this simple exercise during childbirth leads to the inner and external ruptures of the perineum and the vagina, delays the process of childbirth and strongly exhausts the woman. So, pre-emptying the intestines and the bladder, smoothly try it, as in the defecation process. Relax and try again. It is important that the muscles of the perineum and the pelvic bottom, and not face. Do not delay your breath, on the contrary, make a sharp exhalation for every fast.
In conclusion, we note that the exercises of the Kegel for pregnant women can be possible only with the permission of your observing gynecologist. If there are no contraindications, then begin the classes from the very first weeks of pregnancy and do not stop the birth. Important precaution - After 16 weeks, exercise in the sitting position, standing or on the side (not on the back) to avoid the pressure of the fetus on the hollow vein. Regular classes such gymnastics will help to easily resolve from pregnancy, significantly speeds up the restoration of labor muscles, and will also noticeably improve the sex life after childbirth.
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