How to wear a bandage for pregnant women

How to wear a bandage for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a bright time of joyful hopes and expectations of a small miracle, this is a pleasant trouble choosing the little things for a new person. But every woman in a position feels not only the pleasant moments of the development of their crumbs, but also daily gravity in the back due to the rapid growth of the tummy, there is an appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Due to the loads of homework and other factors there is a threat of miscarriage. The main assistant in the fight against these unpleasant satellites of pregnancy is the prenatal bandage.

Among the multitude of bandage models The leading sales lines occupy high dense panties with a supporting elastic insert in the front, belt bandage and a universal bandage used during pregnancy and after delivery. There are also bandage corsets that support the growing tummy and the back of pregnant. The main criterion in the choice of the model is the convenience and practicality of the product. Most of the models for compliance with the rules of hygiene dress up on underwear and even bangs-panties. For daily wearing, this model will have to be purchased in several copies.

Choose the right size of the bandage for pregnant women will help the measurement of the circumference of the tummy of the future mommy by the Portnovo meter. Measurements need to be carried out in the "standing" position. The line for which the measurement should take place is not through the belly of a pregnant woman, but under it. Since wearing a bandage is allowed from 21 weeks of pregnancy, then the model you choose should be taken with a small margin for the growth of the kid.

Rules that are recommended to keep a pregnant woman in order for the prenatal bandage only a positive impact on the future motley and her child:

  • Bandage should be put in the lying position, especially the first time.
  • Some time lie on the back. For a better effect, put the pillow under the hips so that the baby can move to the upper part of the abdomen (thereby decreases the load on the urinary pregnant).
  • Gently put on the bandage so that it goes through the lower back and the pubic bone. The correct execution of this particular item does not give a growing tummy to "Say" and fixes the fetus.
  • After fixing the bandage, get up better carefully, the side, giving her body to get used to the "elastic assistant".
  • Wearing a bandage without interruptions should be not more than 3 hours. A dense bandage-bandage used without interruption can cause discomfort as a pregnant woman and developing fetus.

Before buying a bandage, you must consult with a gynecologist. The doctor will not only help learn your size, but also in practice will teach the acquisition. Do not save on your comfort and health of your future child, choose high-quality products from elastic and seamless materials.

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