Damier are harmful to

Damier are harmful to

How can I bring care for the baby without using diapers? After all, it is so comfortable! No need to arrange an endless washing, treat diallos, get up to the child at night to replace linen, worry about wet clothes on a walk. Plus mass, is there any minuses? Is there a danger to the health and development of the baby when applying diapers?

When improperly use diapers, even despite their "smart" device (inside - the first layer absorbing moisture and does not give it to the child's skin, the layer in the middle is an adsorbent, an external one - which prevents the exit of the accumulated outward), the kid may have dermatitis. It all depends on your attentive attitude to this process. Performing simple actions, you will protect the skin of a child from attack bacteria that cause inflammatory diseases of the skin:

  • Do not wear diapers baby for a longer period than 4 hours;
  • Let's give the skin to the child more often "breathe" - shoot diapers and leave it naked;
  • Lubricate tender skin with cream and do not forget to bathe baby.

Each child is individual in its proportions. Even the best absorbing diaper can leak or grasp the gentle skin of the baby before the appearance of irritation. Avoiding this is possible if you are a pampers correctly (do not fix the diaper too tight, straighten all folds on the product), it will correspond to the weight of the baby (when buying, pay attention to the specified weight range).

Do not be afraid that the use of disposable diapers will affect the structure of the toddler's legs. Their future form and length genetically laid in the maternal womb, and the diapers itself is arranged so that in no way affects the anatomical structure of the child's limbs. Being in the diaper, the child moves freely with legs, choosing the most comfortable position for itself (which is impossible when swaddling).

If you are worried about male infertility due to overheating of the genital organs in diapers - it is not worth it, the temperature inside the product does not reach critical indicators. The genital system of boys is formed from 7-8 years, when diapers have long been not relevant. The main rule is not to join the child and do not dress it the diaper at elevated body temperature.

Diseases of girls with improper use of diapers are more relevant than the mythical problems of boys. If you do not change the diapers in a timely manner, break the technique of the arms and all rules of care - bacteria from the intestine can cause serious disorders in the urogenital system of kids.


Is it worth refusing to diapers due to the likelihood that a child can form a sense of permanent comfort, and he will not learn to ask for a pot? In order for the toddler reflexes properly, you need to comply with several recommendations:

  • Do not carry diapers around the clock (try to wear them only at night or if you go somewhere);
  • Space the baby on the pot is not forced, but paying attention to his signals, be sure to go after what made things.

Buy diapers of verified manufacturers and with a breathable layer. Do not neglect the main rules for child care. Observe hygiene and remember that the main thing is not what you use, but how do you do it.

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