How to bathe newborn girl

How to bathe newborn girl

The first bathing of the newborn baby at home causes a lot of questions from young parents. What to choose - a separate bath or adult bath? What should be the water temperature? Does the technology of bathing a boy from bathing girls?

Place bathing. Choosing for swimming a newborn baby between a bathroom and a children's bath, preference is better to give the latter. In an adult bath, you will not be convenient to carry out water treatments with the baby, because it requires a thorough daily sanitary processing of the container. Also an inconvenient position when bathing, all the time be lowly inclined not all under the power, especially without recovering after childbirth. Children's bath can be put in the bathroom on special attachments to the adult bath, and you can put on the kitchen table. This is especially true in winter when heating, to put it mildly, does not quite "warm." Air temperature required for water procedures (22-24 ° C) can be warm up with a gas stove or fan heater.

Water. The water temperature for a newborn baby should be in the range of + 36-39 ° C. You can check it with a water thermometer using a water thermometer, and you can "on the eye" - lowering the elbow in the bath (comfortable skin, it means comfortable and daughter). Previously, there were horns about bathing newborns in crude, non-filled water, now doctors are more loyal and recommended to conduct water procedures to newborn children who have already healed the umbilical wound and layer of the epidermis (cracks were gone), every day in warm, not necessarily boiled water The weak solution of manganese (color is yellow yellow).

File bathing. For swimming in a plastic bath, you can use special forms that are incorporated under the newborn, or hold the body with your hand so that the head is over the water. Previously, they advised to wrap toddler into a diaper when bathing or laying a diaper on the bottom of the bath, but it was necessary for the baby to damage themselves about the walls of the wooden trough or did not slip and did not bother in aluminum pelvis. You can add herbal decoction to the water (chamomile, oak bark, a series). It is necessary to brew grass in advance so that the temperature decreases, and the decoction managed to stand. If one of the grasses of herbs approached, it is not necessary to experiment with others, each grass contains a baby's useful for the skin, but can cause allergies. In the first 2-3 weeks, it is enough to bathe a baby in warm water, and use the detergent or soap to use 1 time per week.

Swimming time. Usually experts advise water procedures to night feeding and sleep. Bathing time is 5-10 minutes. From the water, the newborn is better to pick up in a warm, heated diaper or a soft terry towel. Wipe you need missing movements. Oil or cream no lubrication procedures are not required if you did not use soap when bathing.

Technology tooling a newborn girl. A controversial issue of using detergents in a newborn swimming in our time is solved in favor of a soap assistant. Bathing a fully newborn girl with soap is advised 1 time per week, and to double once a day, better in running water. Since the frequent exposure to alkali adversely affects the state of the mucous membranes of the genitals. Newborn babies are pushed backwards. This is explained by the close location of the vagina to the anal hole and the undesirable hitting of the catal masses in the vagina. The most convenient way is to place the baby on his left hand head to the elbow, supporting the ass palm, with the right hand to carry out the process of arms under running water.

Young parents often chase the fulfillment of all rules and recommendations in the care and bathing of a newborn baby. It's not scary if something is wrong from the first time. The baby does not expect from you ideal procedures, he needs your attention and warm. Enjoy the battery of the baby yourself, and the baby is charged with positive energy.

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