How to meet a wife from the hospital

How to meet a wife from the hospital

Nine months waiting behind? Now you proudly call "dad"! However, it is still early to relax, because soon a tiny little man will first be in his home, and everything should be ready for this a significant event. Low-handed dads are often lost at this stage. Do not worry! We will tell you how to prepare to be adequately to meet a small tenant and please your favorite spouse.

It is during this period that when your copy, a small lump of happiness appeared on the light, a child and mom as never need support and attention. Of course, start cooking stands with banal cleaning. Everywhere, even in the most remote places, wipe dust, wash and wear all the shelves, furniture and, of course, perfectly wash the floor. On the windows you can leave only tulle, because the gentle rays of the sunshine are now very much needed to your baby, and clean, moisturized air will make his stay in the house comfortable and comfortable.

Maternity hospital 3.

As for the wardrobe of the crumbs and the necessary accessories, then more often the mother before leaving the maternity hospital has already taken care of everything. But if for some reason it was not possible to prepare the necessary things, then put the crib, shook it clean, baby linen. In addition, check the readiness of small bodies, sliders and hats so that mom does not worry about it on arrival home. Do not forget to get a bath and children's bathing accessories, because the baby should be redeeming on the first day of his stay at home.

Go to the most important point of preparation - to discharge. Definitely for the mother and your beloved spouse, this meeting is much more important than for a child, and you need to do everything to please the mammy weakened after childbirth a few hours, and maybe the moments of unforgettable happiness. To do this, think about the whole process of your meeting. After all, many attributes of the celebration are salutes, a magnificent cake and other external hype - can make that mom from this "happiness" will not only iniquacy, but also gets hard. Think first of all about your beloved, which became even closer to you, because you are connected by a little man - the general successor of the genus and the result of your love.

Maternity hospital 8.

Consider the options for surprises for the most indirect, which will help combine everything "can not" with the solemnity of this meeting:

  1. Present mom flowers. It is better if a higher meaning will be laid in this banal gesture. For example, the number of scarlet roses can be equal to the number of days of the pleasant expectation of your blessed miracle. Namely - 270 pieces. This day will turn into a floral enchanting and will remember the beloved for life.
  2. Think of a surprise with balloons. Salute from the balls is more suitable, rather than traditional. The effect of it will be appropriate - joy on your woman's face and many excellent frames for family history.
  3. Meet a wife with a maternity hospital on a chic car. For example, on limousine or jaguar. Such a gesture as nothing better will emphasize the importance of the event and the expensive heart of people.

Maternity hospital 6.

For lovers of original, eccentric and valuable, there are also several tips:

  • Organize a parade of pigeons. All those present on the discharge will be able to release them like a symbol of the birth of a small man.
  • Order a show program suitable for a sense to this holiday. For example, puppet or circus shows are popular. A small tale will remember not only mom, but also to all those present at the celebration.
  • Presented with your favorite valuable gift - it will not matter whether it will be a diamond or a beautiful pendant. The jewelry will be a symbol of eternal gratitude for her daughter or son.

Finally, I would like to note that most importantly for a woman when discharge from the maternity hospital, so that her beloved man and a precious daddy was near. Everything else will become an excellent app to this happy moment and will prove the woman that her husband is the best and attentive man in the world.

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