How to return my wife from the lover

How to return my wife from the lover

If you are clearly sure that the wife has a lover - urgently need to act! What can be done to return your favorite?

Give her what she gets on the side. For example, if a sex life has departed to the background for long joint years, then you need to return passion. You can do it with the help of toys, films for adults, new seats for sex (well, not always on the bed it is to do). If you are at home of the dusty from it to blow up, very quiet and humble, then try to grow a little atmosphere with small scandals. This discharge is useful for two, because in the rustling of anger you can hear the most sincere accusations that it does not specifically suit both in family life. That's just not even see what you know about the competitor.

Making a variety, kill such a terrible concept as "life." Home Slippers and Children's Children Watching the TV will bring any woman before the desire to change everything. If you both are mired in family everyday, bring a variety, change the usual way. For example, sign up into the pool, move to relax together, learn how to rollers or jump with parachute. Try her to help in all endeavors, support and pay maximum attention. The joint pastime will not leave the other time.

Disquence your beloved wife. Homemade gatherings with friends, boring evenings at home do not even allow to show a new fashionable outfit, and the woman just needs attention to others! Go to a cool party, to the club, on a disco, to the city event. Try to pay her more attention, make compliments to appearance, smile, tell me that it is more beautiful.

Surprises and gifts. Remember when you gave flowers? Just like that, and not on March 8 or birthday. Of course, everyone has financial difficulties, and sometimes to allocate even a small amount for unnecessary expenses is not easy. But the loss of beloved does not measure money! It is not necessary to give huge bouquets of roses, for a good mood, there are enough valves, daisies or simple tulips. The main thing is that they are presented with the whole soul. Surprise her: order a photo session, he moved his courier a box of candies to work, giving a beautiful peignoir. But only avoid gifts for home and especially the kitchen, otherwise all the efforts will be in vain - women do not like it.

Make it so that she faded you a little. Just we get used to each other that we forget about the attractiveness of the partner, about what he can like to someone else. You can smoothly flirt with the salesman or a waitress, for example, or delay a bit at work, do not call. Women are big owners, and your probably will not suffer such behavior, wants to pay attention to yourself.

Return his wife from the lover is very difficult, the work will be long and sometimes tedious. However, as long as she has not yet made the final decision in his favor, make every effort so that it remains. Remember how you conquered her heart? Try to return your relationship to the beginning of their development. Never lose optimism and confidence in your abilities - and you will succeed!

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