How to extend the sexual act

How to extend the sexual act

A number of factors can lead to a decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse. This may be a consequence of chronic visa, inflammation of the prostate or rear of the urethra channel, various infectious diseases, hormonal failure. Also, this delicate situation occurs due to improper nutrition, nerve stress, inclipboard, long-lasting abstinence, excessive physical and mental loads, alcohol abuse, over-excitation. In the overwhelming majority of cases, everything is fixable. For this there are quite a few ways.

Change lifestyle. Avoid overwork, spend more outdoor time, take a contrast shower in the morning. Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked and minimize the use of alcoholic beverages, especially beer, since it contributes to the development of estrogen (female hormone). Include radiation, seafood, olives, figs, stewed tomatoes with garlic flavored with olive oil. Piece pomegranate, beet and pumpkin juice. Raw pumpkin seeds contribute to improving the work of the genital glands. Extremely useful in this case and honey with walnuts. They need to be mixed in equal proportions and eat twice a day on a tablespoon, better after eating.

Premature ejaculation will help to avoid using condoms from a dense latex containing anesthetic lubricant. It reduces sensitivity, thereby increasing the time of the act. There are products with a ring fixing, as well as anesthetics sprays and gels, various dietary supplements. Not excess will be concentrated on Peting and caressing in the first half of the act. To extend the enjoyment process, you can use the method of American psychologist - prolongation. Its essence lies in the fact that a man at the beginning of sexual act and when the final chord approaches the final chord, it is necessary to stop frictions for a while, waiting for a decline in the excitation wave.

If you are not alien experiments, resort to yoga technique. It implies alternate tension and relaxation of the body of the genital organ. Special respiratory gymnastics is also useful. Take this course in the courses in many cities of Russia. Helps in this delicate question and performing the exercises of Dr. Kegel. Read more about them can be found on website. It may seem strange, but the necessary muscles strengthen and swimming, cycling, jogging and horse riding. Do regularly - and the difference will become obvious. Increasing the time of the Koitus will help the bandaging of the scrotum. As a result, the sperm does not fall from the channel to the organ, and the duration of the act increases. You need to do it before love joy. But it is impossible to get involved in this way. Well, the radical method is circumcision.

Take a rule use of various herbal teas to solve this problem. For example, with mint, saffron, Melissa. Suitable for adding and carnation, ginger. Very effective tea, boiled with leaflets of currant or raspberries, containing Feliamin, which dulls the sensitivity of nerve endings in the genital organ. Before close contact, it is recommended to drink a little tincture of cornflowers. They are rich in Centaurine, which slows down the offensive of the orgasm. It is very useful for solving this problem wheat oil. It is enough just to periodically inhale. It contains entomorphine capable of prolonging proximity. In the fight against premature ejaculation, the juice of peppermint is used, they rub male dignity before Koitus. And if the problem is related to the prostatitis, make microclides with chamomile flowers decoction.

If it does not work independently or there is a suspicion of any disease, be sure to consult a specialist - urologist-andrologist. It will be able to determine the cause and selects the effect effective in a particular case.

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ivan. 03/04/2015 at 12:39.

How to extend the sexual intercourse and make rid of the problem of premature ejaculation?

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nastya 09/09/2021 at 16:34

my husband and I have a very small sexual intercourse and to extend it, he drinks the pills Vireks helps him. And not long ago, I learned that the ginger blade also helps in such situations. I decided to cook suddenly help.

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