How to choose a name for a boy

How to choose a name for a boy

As soon as the parents know that their child will immediately head there is a huge amount of thoughts and feelings. As generations pass, how to behave during pregnancy, where to buy things, wheelchairs, and, most importantly, how to name the baby. How to make the right choice? How can call your child? Take, for example, the question of choosing a name for a boy, and this talk.

Choosing a name for a boy to the church calendar

When our grandparents chose a name for our parents in the country reigned strict atheism. No church calendars could not be in sight. When the parents called us, they have relied on holy days. For example, born July 7 often becomes Ivanov, born July 12 - Peter or Paul. But, nevertheless, we were taken into account only the major holidays, which are known to a large mass.

When it is time for our generation to name their children, the name choice for a boy on a church calendar has become particularly popular. And this is not a fad. In the minds of people he had real faith. Let not all come to church, but do not stop believing. And all the prayers of the angels and the church calendar, which protect children, the name in their honor, do not pass by.

The modern world is allowed to choose the name for a boy on the church calendar as accessible as possible. Internet just to dump filled with information about the saints, whose name is celebrated on a specific day.

Of course, if the day of the child's name is quite strange birth, for example, Evlampy, parents can hardly be called a child that way. But the church completely comfortable with the issues, allowing you to choose a name for the boy within 40 days from birth. This means that if a child born on the day Evlampiya, but for 10-15 days before the day was Nicholas, the name Nicholas is quite acceptable for a boy.

Select the name of a boy named features

A situation where the parents sit in the evening and night with the book "The Mystery of the name", and try to find exactly what suits them, is known to everyone.

Feature name created for decades, based on years of data collection, analysis, rules of conduct hundreds of thousands of people with a particular name. But, this is just an overview. For example, Alexander - a man who is not just smart, but also sociable. At the same time, Alexander - a man who always locked in his subconscious.

As you can see, these two characteristics are directly counter at each other. When choosing the name of the parents perceive the information they want to receive. And it is quite normal psychosomatic phenomenon when poor quality in relation to the future are not perceived by the child.

In addition, the characteristics of the name must be added the characteristic style of family life. For example, the boy Alex has to be calm and balanced. But, for example, if the active family, parents go hiking, play sports, right feed, the chances that Alex is calm very low. Yes, he will not cry and whine, but this calm is over. In such a family, Alex is an active, cheerful child, and is likely to catch him for paints or a book, still doing something one does not succeed.

Choosing a name the boy under the influence of others

Often, a woman who is waiting for the boy gets into a situation where she worked to impose someone else's opinion about the name. For example, my grandmother really like the name of Tikhon. This is her first love, or something else. This grandmother will definitely bring a book with the feature name, which Tikhon will be just the perfect choice for selection.

Her husband, in turn, believes Vladislav - well, just the perfect choice. The same book, endless stories of acquaintances, friends, teachers, artists, and other people with the same name, and all only positive qualities. And the fact that the name does not match with the name and / or middle name, he is not interested.

The ideal option selecting the name under the influence of others - this is when the oldest child calls the younger brother. Then we can also listen. Most likely, the associative characteristics with strangers is not so formed in the child, and the choice of the name for the baby most likely is based on intuition.

Choosing a name for a boy under the decision of the expectant mother

Despite all of the factors described above, the choice of name for a boy to become mothers choice. In a family where there is harmony, the problems with the choice of the name is not likely to happen. Opinion of the expectant mother is put above all others, and my mother, in turn, makes his choice on the basis of the Pope's wishes. It happens that a pregnant woman since childhood knows that he wants two (three, five) children, and knows exactly what their names. Such women joyfully realize that their dreams come true.

In addition, only my mother will have for the first three years of his life every day, 100 times a day to repeat the child's name. Sing lullabies, tell verses, or simply call to eat or walk. Every time the name of the pronunciation of the child should bring joy, sounding like a song. Then the child will love his name, to love yourself, and thus grow emotionally strong man.

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