How to arrange a child in kindergarten

How to arrange a child in kindergarten

The Constitution of the Russian Federation tells us that all kids from 2 months to 7 years have been laid in kindergarten. But in practice, this law is not always observed, and very often parents receive a cherished ticket when the child is just one year before the school. The reasons for a long expectation are somewhat - the catastrophic lack of kindergartens, the absence of free places, poor-quality work of the staff of the Department of Education. It happens, difficulties arise when the family moves to a new place of residence, and the baby turns out to be in a new queue last. In any case, parents should always remember that the law is completely on the side of the child, and not on the side of the leadership of the DOU or the administration.

How to arrange a child in kindergarten

A few years ago, I could queue in a queue in the office of the head. But due to the frequent cases of fraud, distribution of places and registration are now engaged only by special commissions appointed by the city administration. You can see for the provision of services:

  • Personally refer to the Department of Education with the necessary package of documents and write a statement. It should be noted that on this issue you can come out only 2 days a week.
  • Make data through the state portal. Services! . But within 1 month you must provide the originals of documents and their copies in the IFC or the administration.
  • In large cities, multifunctional centers began to operate, which are an intermediary between the Department and Parent. The operator will receive documents from you, will register a statement, after which send them to the department of education of your district.

After completing the design, you must issue a certificate indicating the individual room. With it, you can track the queue electronically. The site address must also be specified in the help.

How to arrange a child in kindergarten - necessary documents

  • Passports of both parents where temporary or permanent registration should be present - the original and copies of all pages.
  • Birth certificate - original and copy.
  • If you have benefits that provide the right to receive a ticket to a priority or extraordinary order, they need to be documented.
  • A completed statement on the name of the head of the administration of the area of \u200b\u200bresidence.

The law of parents is allowed to indicate 3 desired kindergartens. Treat this issue with extreme attention, examine the reputation of the selected gardens in advance, the direction of their activities, read the reviews.

How to arrange a child in kindergarten - Benefits

Depending on the region of residence, the list of beneficiaries may differ slightly, but traditionally there are benefits for:

  • Children from large families.
  • Student children.
  • Children having 1 or 2 disability group.
  • Children of disabled 1 or 2 groups of disability.
  • Children whose parents are police officers, firefighters, servicemen, prosecutors, judges.
  • Children's mother's children.

After putting a queue, try to visit the education department more often. Learn when you go to the garden, check if everything is in order with the documents. If you find that in the queue you moved not forward, and back - find out the reason, require a written answer, be overly persistent. Employees of departments do not like energetic parents and are trying to solve the problem with a positive result for you.

How is the distribution in kindergartens

The distribution of vouchers occurs from the end of May and lasts until early July. The first, as you understand, are beneficial. Moreover, most of the nashel groups consists entirely of this category of children. The remaining free spaces distributes the computer. As you can see, the state has taken care of everything to be honest.

How to arrange a child in kindergarten - receiving a ticket

When your baby is included in the incoming lists, you will be informed by the call or written notice. Within one month you must go to the education department and pick up the ticket. If you did not suit the location of the institution, you can refuse the place and stand on the line to another garden. It is advisable to do this if you have a guarantee that you will definitely give another place.

Registration in the garden continues to familiarize with the head and writing a statement about enrolling the child. A voucher is applied to it, a copy of the applicant's passport, a medical card, an insurance policy, a copy of the birth certificate. The child's device is completed by the conclusion of the contract between the Dow and the parent.

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