How to enter a child in a passport

How to enter a child in a passport

The emergence of a new person is a significant and a huge event in the life of each family. But taking gifts and congratulations, remember that the newborn baby is already a full member of society. And this fact must be assured documented. As before, the "birth certificate" can be obtained in the registry office, but in which service to contact, so that the child fit into the passport?

If the baby is born in marriage, then it is very easy to add it to the documents. To this end, one of the parents should be in the passport office attached. We need to take with you: a birth certificate, passport and the house book where the baby is inscribed. This procedure will take no more than half an hour, it simply has to fill the blanks on the spot.

If parents did not legity their relationship and live in civil marriage. In this case, the immigration authority needs to come together. Take with you 2 house books (if the registration is different), passports, certificate and certificate that may confirm fatherhood. It is issued in the registry office, that is, you need to write a statement in advance that we voluntarily recognize the paternity and adopt the child. They prescribe a baby at one of the parents, and the second - writes an explanation that he has nothing against and agrees that the child lives on a similar address. Both houses are needed in order to assure the service that the child was not previously prescribed elsewhere.

If the baby was born without his father and his mother does not make claims to him, then the difficulties will not arise. You need to bring a testimony and a house book to the passport desk.

Remember that now you can not independently and write the toddler data into the passport. Previously, this was done, but since 2008 everything should be certified by wet seal and signed by a specialist. Without this, the record is considered invalid, moreover, the action is considered as an attempt to fake the document.

Insert your child's data into a passport is optional, this is the personal desire of everyone. But the mark in the column "Children" will help rapidly issue benefits, social benefits, write a power of attorney, a separate passport for a child, or if there was no evidence with you, just confirm that this is actually your baby.

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