How to take a child under guardianship

How to take a child under guardianship

Unfortunately, in our time, children, deprived of parental love and care, no uncommon. In addition to the refusal and those whose parents were deprived of the right to address the court, sometimes children fall there, whose parents died or died due to the disease. If you decide to take a child under guardianship, you deserve great respect. We hope this article will help you to settle formality in the most simple way.

To the future guardian, reasonable and sufficiently strict requirements. So, to take care of the child, you need to be:

  • adults;
  • fully capable of legislative standards;
  • endowed moral and moral qualities;
  • healthy.

The grounds for refusal should be essential and reasonable. Do not allow for care:

  • people deprived of parental rights;
  • those who are dependent on alcohol or drugs;
  • those with respect to whom the adoption right was canceled by their own fault;
  • having a criminal record;
  • not past preparation of adoptive parents;
  • consisting in union union.

In order to safety both sides, the government is accepted decree For which a child cannot be taken under guardianship:

  • patients with tuberculosis of respiratory organs I and II groups;
  • patients with infectious diseases, until the removal of them from dispensary accounting due to the emergence of the resistivity;
  • persons with disabilities I group;
  • patients with mental disorders;
  • oncoboles until the moment of complete cure.

To make a guardianship over the orphanage, you will need to pass several steps:

  1. Prepare documents:
      • statement;
      • certificate from the workplace, indicating the post and average salary for the last year;
      • ownership of housing;
      • certificate of the absence of criminal record;
      • medical conclusion on health status;
      • certificate of passing training for adoption of guardianship (form approved order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 623);
      • autobiography.
    • If necessary, attach:
      • a copy of the marriage certificate;
      • written consent of all family members who have reached the ten years;
      • a copy of the pension certificate.
    • Be sure to bring an identity card (for example, a passport).
  2. Get acquainted with the child. In this paragraph, it is important is the opinion of the kid himself, the presence of trust contacts you have.
  3. Directly take a child under guardianship. At this stage, the officers of the guardianship and guardianship is taken, from the moment of which you become a full guardian.

Application form for custody You can download on our website.

Sample of the completed application for custody Swing here.

Take under the custody of the child, who turned 14 years old, can be on his own statement if he / she specifies your data in the document. Also, the parents of the baby have the right to apply for a guardian appointment for him, if for certain reasons for some time they will not be able to fulfill their duties.

From the greatest moment you will be prescribed by a guardian, mutual rights and obligations arise between you and the child. You must take care of the content of the ward, about his teaching (mental, spiritual, moral, and, of course, general education), treat the baby, to protect his rights and interests. The actions that the Trustee is obliged to exercise are regulated by law and reflected in the article 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Take under the guardianship of the child is a serious step that requires the guardian of psychological maturity, equilibrium, responsible attitude towards your life and the life of the baby. Perhaps it will be worthwhile to communicate with those who already have a similar experience. View the Children's Children Data Bank here. Good luck to you!

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