How to arrange guardianship over your grandmother

How to arrange guardianship over your grandmother

In old age, a person, unfortunately, health is not recruited, even on the contrary - disease becomes more. For this reason, it becomes difficult to fulfill the usual work, which in the youth did easily. A hike to the store for bread becomes a problem, and what to talk about turns, in which you have to stand for an hour, two to pay for a communal. There is a need for the care of relatives relative about the elderly. Let me consider as an example, how to arrange a guardian guard over your beloved grandmother.

There are several types of registration of patronage over old men. The first is the grandmother herself writes a request to the establishment of a guardianship, the second - grandchildren or children begin to design a procedure, having received consent from the old woman, the third is through court instances, if a relative is recognized incompetent.

Article 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Before contacting the organization of the guardianship, the relative will need to collect package of documentation. This includes:

  • Passport grandmother and future guardian, photocopy of a certifying document.
  • Documentation from housing and communal services, namely, an extract from the house for permission to use the house, an apartment or an act of ownership of housing.
  • Medical conclusions that a relative, which gathered to register guardianship, is healthy mentally, does not use drugs, there are no diseases carrying a threat to life (tuberculosis, oncological diseases, etc.).
  • Photocopy and original marriage certificate.
  • Characteristic from the employer, a certificate of earnings.
  • Conclusion from the police that there are no problems with legislation.
  • Included the consent of other family members on custody.
  • Conclusions of specialists from the organization for the proceedings that the living conditions comply with the standards.
  • Medical examination that grandmother needs guardianship.

Download on our portal List of documents for establishing a guardianship over grandmother.

List of documents in guardianship authorities, patronage

As mentioned above, the representative of the guardianship service will give you a request form, which will be needed to fill in with his hand with a blue ampoule. Grandma must also write a statement.

What do they look, look here:


The final result should be waiting for a month, you should know that the guardianship is registered only through court instances. Having received a positive response to the guardianship, the relative still does not have the full right to dispose of grandmother's property.

Lawyers are recommended for three days after the decision, whether the organization on trustees or judicial institution can immediately make the ownership of grandmother, so that in the future there were no accusations against each other. This act is in the presence of witnesses, leave one instance, give a copy to the old woman, wrap up.

As it turned out, a very troublesome business is a guardianship design, but after reading the instruction, you can do everything much faster. You will not spend time to find out what documents are needed and where to start the process.

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