How not to pay alimony

How not to pay alimony

A number of cases are envisaged when a citizen is obliged to pay alimony. But sometimes there are situations that, due to the coincidence, a person physically cannot pay them, due to the lack of funds (for example, loss of work space). But according to the law, you need to pay alimony. How to be in that case?

Most often, when it comes to alimony, the contents of the child's father after a divorce is considered. However, this is not the only case provided by law. So, according to Family Code (Section 5), for alimony can count:

  • minor child;
  • former spouse (a), if he became a disabled in marriage or a year after its termination;
  • disabled parents;
  • disable juvenile brothers (sisters).

1 Sam

Consider how to get around the payment of alimony by a legitimate way on the example of payments for the maintenance of a minor child by the Father. So, if you pay alimony, it is impossible, it follows the first thing to discuss the situation with the ex-wife. Try to agree on a delay, and during this time decide financial problems.

If your property has real estate, you have the right to transfer it to children instead of paying alimony. For this, it should be issued permission of guardianship bodies, guardianship. The procedure is subject to mandatory state registration and notarization. The transaction itself is prescribed in an alimony agreement. But, if the court managed to make a decision on alimony, this option cannot be considered.

Initially, when the court considers the question of the appointment of the amount of alimony, the parent may apply a certificate of obtaining a stable income (indicating a certain amount). Then the alimony will be appointed not in a certain monetary volume, but taking into account the monthly income and the subsistence minimum. The amount payable will be calculated not on the actual income, and from the part which is indicated in the official report.

With a relative, who also has the right to demand alimony from you (for example, disabled parents), you can get a court decision that you undertake to pay the alimony to this person. By providing this document to the Court, where the question of the alimony between you, the ex-wife, you can count on a decrease in the amount of alimony, as are actually already loaded with obligations.

Having on the hands of the confirmation of what was enrolled in the university, you can count on a decrease in the amount of alimony, as you will carry additional costs. Documents should be submitted to guardianship authorities. Also, the Court can reduce the amount of alimony, if the child has been 16 years old, and he has independent earnings.

If the money listed by the child is spent on other purposes (in your opinion), you should write an application to the guardianship authorities with the requirement to check on this issue. If the guardianship confirms the fact of misuse, you can submit to the court a claim with a request to reduce the amount of payments. In addition, the father has the right to demand the opening of the personal account of the child to transfer alimony to him, or discover the policy of long-term accumulative life insurance for a child, transfer money to him. Here you will find:

Of course, you can go and otherwise - to pick up a child and personally raise it, then the need to pay alimony will disappear.

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