What documents are needed to submit for alimony

What documents are needed to submit for alimony

Unfortunately, statistics indicate the fact that a huge number of even the happiest families are divorced with time. And here, in addition to difficulties with the section of the priority, the problem of the content of joint children arises. Of course, almost all Pope are ready to help your child and provide him with a good future, but there are also those who do not want to participate in the life of the baby. In this case, despair and complete hopelessness forces single mothers to go to court for alimony. Let's analyze in more detail what documents are needed for this.

Legal aspects

Obligations of parents about the content of their child are clearly spelled out in Family Code (SC) of the Russian Federation (Chapter 14). Legislation establishes certain categories of persons who have the right to alimony. These include:

  1. The former wife is waiting for the baby or with a shared child with age up to 3 years. It is important here that the spouses are in official marriage, and not civil.
  2. The needy husband, who cares for a common minor disabled child.
  3. A disabled family member with whom the kid is. It may be a disability due to severe illness, by age, etc.
  4. Former spouse retirement age caring for a child. But the time factor is important here - from the moment the divorce must pass no more than 5 years.

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Package of the necessary documentation

So, if you decide to go to court for alimony, this procedure needs to prepare well. Explore legislative aspects SC RF.and also collect a package documentswhich includes:

  • passport (it is desirable to have scanpies of documents of both spouses);
  • certificate of Birth of the baby (original and copy);
  • statement of claim (in two copies);
  • certificate of the location of the defendant;
  • marriage certificate (you can scankopy);
  • a copy of the document confirming the divorce of the spouses;
  • certificate of registration from the house book at the place of registration;
  • documents confirming disability or the offensive of the retirement age of the plaintiff (if necessary);
  • father's income certificate (if he acts as a defendant);
  • checks about payment of state duty.

In addition, the Court has the right to demand additional documents confirming the health of the child or its disabilities, as well as a certificate of maternal income. When there is no possibility to contact the defendant and get information about it, specify the place of work of the father of the child in this case. If in the course of the decoration of the alimony you encountered any problematic situation, you can leave your appeal to the official website of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

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Suit: rules for filing and design

After collecting all the documentation, proceed to writing the claim. From the correctness of its design depends on the time of consideration of your case. Before making a document of this kind, check out the sample of its fill. Mandatory must contain:

  • full names of parents and a child;
  • place of their registration and address of residence;
  • details of passport documents, as well as birth certificates;
  • place and date of birth of the kid;
  • the size of the alimony and the specific date of the beginning of their recovery;
  • details of marriage and divorce documents;
  • signature.

Provide an application to the judicial authorities at the place of your registration and expect an answer to it within 5 calendar days.

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Remote Method of Submission of Documents

By the way, for those who appreciate their time, information will be pleased that the request for alimony can be applied using internet portal "Public Services". Log in, and then with the help of a quick search string, find the option you need. This operation does not take you much time and great effort.


According to Art. 134. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, The court has the right to refuse to consider your case for a number of reasons. In such a situation, it is best to seek help from an experienced lawyer to re-submit an application.

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