Alimony: how old

Alimony: how old

Any child before reaching the age of majority has the right to comprehensive custody from parents. This concept includes ensuring the material and psychological needs of the kid for its normal development. If his parents are divorced or not married, the child has the right to receive alimony. Alimony: What age is paid and in what size? Let's try to figure it out in this matter.

Most citizens of the Russian Federation know that the benefit on the maintenance of the child is paid to him by the second parent (residing separately) to 18 years. Extend payments in the following cases:

  • the child has disability I or group II;
  • the official income of a able-bodied child is below the subsistence minimum.

There are official reasons to stop paying alimony before the onset of the age of majority. In particular:

  • adoption / adoption of the child;
  • recognition of its fully capable before the onset of age;
  • death of the payer or recipient of alimony.

The procedure for the cessation of payments for alimony is regulated art. 120 Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 120.

V art. 89 Family Code of the Russian Federation It is indicated that the child care is entitled to receive material assistance from the second parent (in addition to the alimony itself) in the following cases:

  • forced cessation of labor care activities for up to three years;
  • care for a disabled child before its majority;
  • care for the child with disabilities of the 1st group since childhood (indefinitely).

In these cases, the parent career has the right to receive payments not only to the child, but also on himself.

Article 89.

Form a claim in court for alimony to the wife of the content You can download on our site.

Sample filled a claim in court for alimony to the wife of the content Swing here.

There are the following ways of recovery of maintenance:

  • conclusion of the agreement, recorded by a notary;
  • through the courts.

The amount of payments for children is regulated art. 81 Family Code of the Russian Federation and is: 1/4 part of income per child, 1/3 part - on two children and 1/3 part - on three or more children.

Article 81.

Application form to the court for the recovery of alimony Presented on our website.

A sample of the filled statement to the court for the recovery of alimony See here.

It is important to know that the recovery of alimony comes from all official income, and not just from wages. The court can determine the payment of both percentage of income (most often it happens) and in the amount of a specific amount. It depends on whether the defendant has official work or other permanent income.

So, we figured out the alimony to what age are mandatory. If the evasion of one of the parents from paying the child due to the child will be officially proven, it will be paid to pay the amount of debt over the past three years (even if the fact has been proven after the onset of the age of majority).

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