Nowadays, see the mother, which independently raises the child, is not uncommon, and the routine. Such a mother in the "people" is called single, but according to the norms of labor and family law not every single woman with a child can be assigned the status of a lonely mother. Why it happens?
Many people tend to consider a single mother that woman who suffered a divorce with their spouse, but during the marriage they managed to have a child (or a few), but in fact it is in the root incorrectly. Some women are just a joke consider themselves lonely mothers, even when they are married with "unbelievable" spouses than and create confusion.
Who can be called "Mother Single"?
The real mother is considered to be the woman who had to give birth to a child out of marriage; When there is no general statement from parents about the establishment of paternity, and in the line "Father" stands for a dash or the data were obtained only from the words of the mother. If a woman gave birth to a child or earlier than after 300 days, a divorce field, then to assign a single mother status to obtain a court permission in which it will be established that its former spouse does not act as a father of the child.
You can also get the status of a single mother. As mentioned above, it is quite often this status is given to women who are in difficult situations, however, despite these difficulties, they cannot be legally identified as single mothers:
- raising the child after a divorce with her husband, lack of obtaining alimony for various reasons;
- the birth of a child by a woman who did not make marriage with the father of the child, but at the same time there is an official document confirming his paternity (at the same time it does not matter whether the father lives with her mother or not);
- deprivation of parental rights of the spouse;
- the death of the spouse, from which the child was conceived.
Of course, single mothers have the right to receive some benefits and payments (social assistance), which we will look at further in the material.
Benefits that are laid by mother
Assistance to such mothers is expressed not only in obtaining benefits and payments, but also in other ways of support that are not related to obtaining cash amounts. So, social assistance in such forms (depending on the regions, this list may vary, here is the generalized option):
- children of such mothers are served as a priority or out of turn upon receipt of places for admission to preschool institutions;
- due to the lack of a second parent, the child will be able to receive a two-time nutrition in the school canteen;
- during the preparation, such families can receive office and other school supplies.
There are also exceptional rights for single mothers who are guaranteed by the state:
- Single mother can not be fired. An exception to this rule is only the termination of the employment contract on a voluntary basis or liquidation of the enterprise.
- In extracurricular time, a single mother can be forced to work only in some exceptional situations. You can send such a mother on a business trip only if there is its written consent.
- If a single mother goes to the hospital because of the child's illness, then in this case the patient's payment will be produced 100%.
What are the necessary documents for receiving children's benefits
To obtain a child benefit, the mother needs to be registered and provide such documents: the child's birth certificate, a certificate in form No. 25 from the registry office, a copy of the passport, a certificate of joint living with a child and income below the subsistence level, a labor book (rare, but Sometimes it is necessary for regional benefits). The execution of the benefit is made on a child up to 16 years.