What are the benefits of labor veterans

What are the benefits of labor veterans

The honorary title of "Veteran Labor" was introduced by Federal Law N 5-FZ from 2.01.1995. "On veterans". Benefits for veterans in Russia adopted as a measure of social support, emphasizing the importance of the country of this category of citizens, their high merit to the Fatherland.

The honorary title "Veteran of Labor" is awarded for conscientious many years of work. According to the latest edition Federal Law No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" from 07.07.2013. This includes citizens who have honorary titles, medals, awards and retired by age or length of age, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Tar's workers who have a total experience of 40 years old (in men), 35 years old (in women).

Veterans law

The honorary category "Veteran of Labor" is assigned not only to retirees by age, but also by serving, before the retirement years. Not all benefits can be used before retirement. For example, prosthetic prosthetics and their repair (except for material, metal-ceramics and precious metals) gives the right to a pensioner "Veteran Labor" to do this for free in the clinic, with which the municipality concluded the corresponding contract. This is usually a dental clinic at the place of residence.


The title of veteran gives the right to travel free of charge in public land transport (excluding taxis) in any region of the Russian Federation. Veteran has fares in the automotive transport of suburban and long-distance routes, as well as regardless of its place of permanent residence.

If the labor veteran continues to work after its retirement, the annual leave is provided to him at any convenient time to the very veteran. In addition to the next vacation, it has the right to take every year 30 days of not paid vacation without any obstacles from the leadership.

The title gives the right to a veteran to receive a 50% subsidy for payment:

  • The cost of the ticket for travel railway, water transport of suburban routes during the period of seasonal tariff.
  • The total area of \u200b\u200bhousing (veteran is provided and applies to members of his family, with joint living). The subsidy is paid in the form of 50% of compensation for housing costs, provided subject to the lack of debt on these payments. The type of housing does not matter: a communal apartment (calculation on social norms), privatized, municipal, departmental, by hiring.
  • Payment of all utilities (includes: gas, water supply, garbage collection, thermal and electrical energy, etc.). The rate of consumption is calculated according to the standards established in local self-government.
  • General television antenna, subscription fee, radio. Benefits also does not depend on the type of housing occupied by a veteran.

In addition to the listed benefits of federal significance, there are additional regional benefits. For example, veterans residents of Moscow receive a monthly allowance from the city budget, they have the right to travel free of charge in suburban railway transport. Residents of St. Petersburg, who have this honorary title, can buy a preferential ticket for travel by all types of transport (and metro). The cost of a travel ticket is equal to the size of the ED - monthly cash payment. It depends on the level of inflation and is therefore subject to indexation.

Additional benefits receive residents not only St. Petersburg and Moscow. They also exist in other regions. To learn about them, you need to go to regional sites and get the necessary information. Keep in mind that part of the benefits provided for by FZ No. 5 (Article 13, 22) was replaced by cash payments (N 122-FZ of August 22, 2004). The size of benefits is determined at the regional level, therefore the amount is hardly different in different regions of Russia.

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