What benefits are the veteran

What benefits are the veteran

The title of "Labor Veteran" makes it possible to obtain various subsidies, compensation and benefits. The state of Russia honors citizens who distinguished himself from merit, providing them with social programs.

Who can become a labor veteran?

The title of "Veteran Labor" can seek any citizen of Russia who has worked for many years, and at the same time has state awards for merit. This group includes the following citizens:

  • carriers of orders, medals or honorary titles, and who have experience in working with the right to retire old age or for long service;
  • who was awarded the title "Veteran of Labor"
  • who had forced to work during the Second World War, in adolescence. For women, labor experience is 35 years old, for men - 40 years.

Labor veterans have the right to compensate, payments and social support.

What documents do you need to provide a veteran privilege for registration?

Need to collect the following documents:

  • passport and copy;
  • statements - request for registration of benefits;
  • certificate of labor veteran and copy;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • 2 photos (3 × 4);
  • Reduss;
  • account number to which accruals will be made;
  • labor book or certificate from the archive, where the work experience is indicated. Certified notarized;
  • documents on having honorable certificates, medals, titles or differences;
  • working veterans must submit a certificate from the place of deduction to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

For accrual of benefits, documents must be submitted to the Office of Social Protection at the place of residence. More information about documents or benefits is provided by the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

What to calculate the labor veteran in 2016?

Benefits are provided on both the federal and regional levels. For more detailed acquaintance, you need to contact the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

These include:

  • 50% compensation for utilities;
  • the right to gratuitous receiving housing;
  • free travel in city transport, suburban and long-distance communications;
  • medical benefits: dentures, excluding precious metals and metal ceramics,
  • free: clinical examination, no more than two times for six months, treatment in military hospitals and clinics, limb prostheses, drug subsidies in social pharmacies;
  • if labor veteran works, he can take a vacation when he needs. He also has the right to an additional vacation (at his own expense). Vacation is 35 days;
  • upon admission to the university increased scholarship;
  • enrollment primarily, even with the presence of a competition;
  • free right to pass courses on qualifications or retraining;
  • social card for buying goods, with a discount of 5%.

Patient care-after-stroke

Part of the benefits are replaced by cash payments. The dimensions of the benefits are installed at the regional level. Therefore, the amounts of payments are still significantly different depending on the region of the Russian Federation.
At the local level, the authorities themselves establish the number of benefits for the total number. Depending on the funds of a particular region, social programs subsidize.

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