What benefits are put on large families

What benefits are put on large families

To improve the demographic situation, the authorities of the Russian Federation have developed a number of bills to help large families. What to expect large families in 2016? The state provides benefits in cash payments and various subsidies in the areas of housing and communal services, medical care and social payments.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no accurate concept of a "large family"

It regulates regional authorities. As a rule, this category includes families in which three and more children are brought up. Both relatives and receptions or adopted. The age of children should not exceed 18 years, in some areas - 14 years. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the measures for social support for large families" regulates the provision of compensation, benefits or subsidies at the place of registration. Regional authorities can independently add benefits in private.

What to expect large families from subsidies and benefits in 2016?

If in the family three and more children (not over 18 years old), it is given the right to the following subsidies and benefits:

  • 30% decreases payment for utility service. Those who use other heating sources, the state also provides subsidies, depending on the family living in the region.
  • Unpaid medicines for children, not older than 6 years, by appointing a doctor.
  • Unpaid fare in any city transport. This is not included in taxi.
  • Ability to arrange a child in kindergarten out of turn.
  • Free food in educational, professional institutions, as a school and school.
  • Providing school and sports form.
  • The opportunity to visit the entertainment seats is free 1 time per month. These include theater, exhibition or attraction.
  • For farming or opening its business, a large family provides benefits at all levels. Land area can stand out.
  • Interestable loans for families engaged in farming.
  • Obtaining an area under a garden or cottage.
  • Liberation (sometimes partial) from contributions when registering your company.
  • Preferential conditions when making a loan for construction.
  • Help and employment benefits.
  • The benefit on the third and subsequent child up to 3 years.
  • Plot of land from the state. Its size is installed at the place of residence.
  • Order and medal of "Parental Glory" are intended for families raising seven or more children. At the same time, one disposable assistance is paid to 100 thousand rubles.

Premature retirement for mothers

In the Russian Federation, benefits have been introduced that allow the mother to retire before retirement. When upbringing five and more children, she can retire at 50 years.

How are the benefits of large families?

This requires to collect the necessary documents for obtaining a certificate "Large family".
It is also required to make a certificate that gives the right to benefits to provide as necessary.

Documents for benefits to large families

In different regions of the Russian Federation, documents for obtaining benefits may be distinguished from each other. Similar documents are similar:

  • Parents passport with registration at the place of residence (photocopy).
  • Certificates of the birth of all children.
  • Extract from the house book (that all children live with family).
  • Documents about adopted children that they are on the dependency of the family.
  • Photos of parents.
  • Certificates from children's training sites.
  • And if necessary, documents on the divorce of spouses or a single-lone certificate.

For more detailed familiarization with benefits, subsidies and payments provided at the federal level, it is worth contacting the social protection authorities in their region.

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