How to get a preferential medicine

How to get a preferential medicine

If you have difficulty getting preferential drugs (queues in clinics, the lack of medicines in the pharmacy) - Do not give up. Believe that you will succeed, and be patient! The state provides for the possibility of obtaining free medicines with certain categories of the population. But not always people know how to defend their rights, get those guarantees that they are put on legislation.

The right to preferentially acquisition of drugs have disabled people and veterans of the Second World War, disabled of group I and II, children with disabilities. It is this category of citizens that drugs are funded by the federal budget. In addition, the right to preferential drugs have children under the age of 3 years (if the family is large - then up to 6 years). However, this information is often silent honey. Personnel polyclinic and hospitals.


Each particular region has a list of citizens who are preferential treatment. Also allocate a number of diseases, in the presence of which a citizen has the right to preferential treatment. At the same time, its status, age does not play roles. Among such diseases, tuberculosis, AIDS, diabetes, etc. can be distinguished. Sometimes benefits are assigned on an ongoing basis, sometimes temporarily (for example, after myocardial infarction, a citizen can count on free treatment for six months).


To obtain preferential medicines, you need to visit the doctor, present it:

  • the document according to which you have the right to preferential treatment (pension certificate, veteran certificate);
  • certificate from the pension fund confirming that you did not refuse a social package comprising preferential treatment (for disabled);
  • Reduss;
  • polis Oms.


Benefits can be obtained if there is established a highly specialized expert diagnosis. In hospital cards must also be present therapist recording. The doctor will give you a prescription for the drug grace (Form number 148-1u-06 (L)) on the basis of the submitted documents and the presence of the indications for treatment. Help with assignments must be signed by a doctor, stamped, round seal honey. organization. This recipe is valid for 2-4 weeks. The local doctor has to apply for a pharmacist city (district) hospital about your needs in preferential medicines. With prescription should contact the pharmacy, which specializes in providing service of soft drugs. If the presence of drugs will not, you take the recipe and will record it on deferred maintenance, and the pharmacist must record in a special register.


Ordered drug must be delivered no later than 10 days from the time of the citizen to register at the pharmacy. If it does not, you can call Department of health by telephone "hot line" and explain the situation. The issue will be controlled by the management.

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The list of preferential medicines and other information can be found at Roszdravnadzor.

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If you have any difficulty obtaining the drug benefit, you can write an appeal online Roszdravnadzor. The application must specify the name, nature of benefits, contact information (phone, email), address. The text of the appeal is important to detail, but essentially describe the problems that you are facing. The clearer will explain the essence, the greater the chance for a quick and efficient solution to your problem. If necessary, can be attached to the application file.

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When everything is executed, enter the characters from the image in a special window and press the "Submit" button.

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It is also possible to sue in prosecutor to persons and organizations that impede your benefits provided by law. The application should be accompanied by:

  • photocopy of your passport;
  • photocopy of the document confirming the right to benefits;
  • a doctor's prescription and other documents, if any.

The prosecutor's office itself

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Do not think that it will not work out to solve the problem to obtain preferential drugs. The main thing is to know your rights and most clearly and competently express your thoughts. Do not be afraid to defend your benefits!

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